4: Not Yet Fully Friends

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    The entirety of class 1-A sat their rumps within their seats, tallying notes, focusing on the lecture, or simply staring off into space.

     The latter applied to our protagonist.

    Not to worry, for he was in Hero History as of current, him missing out on a short lecture by Midnight on the subject was like tossing a single grain of sand at his arm. However, it was also this subject that kinda set him into this daze. One of the specific things mentioned by the heroine was the subject of a grand fight between a terrorist organization that caused several heroes to lose their lives; and, it got him thinking about what had happened a few weeks ago.

    Night-eye. A death that, for lack of a more upbeat term, devastated the hearts of many close to him. All Might, Gran Torino, Bubble Girl, the centipede head man who's name the author forgets, and of course...Togata. 

    Though the death of the man never seemingly altered the upbeat boys personality, it'd be beyond ignorant to say that the heroes death hadn't affected him. Izuku could tell even after a few days before when he and Eri spoke with him as he returned from his outing with Camie, there was always this sense of gray behind the upperclassman's eyes. Sure he acted fine, and sure he seemed like his friendly self, but Izuku could tell by his look that he was not himself in truth. 

      One couldn't blame him for feeling even a moderate amount of depressed, not only did he lose a character whom seemed like his father figure, he also lost his quirk. Permeation was a god awful quirk, a quirk so dangerous it could tear the boy in half, but through the use of blood, sweat, and tears, and the greatest help from that of Night-eye, he was able to make it so he was quite literally untouchable. And now...all of that hard work...all of that knowledge and training given to him by basically his father figure, all flushed down the shitter.

    For he was now quirkless, and coming from a boy who once was quirkless, Izuku couldn't help but sympathise for the older student. Heck, he even tried to tell him, in a very hypothetical way, about One For All and the possibility of him giving Togata the quirk, even going as far as riding this chariot to where he would say that he was once quirkless himself...but Togata stopped him in his tracks. Gave him a smile and a wave, a smile and wave.

     And yet despite all of this, despite all that had happened, Izuku too felt awful about it all, and he couldn't even hide it.

    Several times had he been asked if he was alright, and if he was doing any better; many even brought up the aspect of Night-eye, and they all each witnessed him especially try to run from that topic, so they often just dropped it or kept it from the conversation. Uraraka and Ida especially were concerned for his well-being, but no matter how many times they asked, they each got a similar answer...

     "N-No I'm fine, really!"

    "Ih-It's just fine, I'M just fine, I-I-I promise!!".

    "Pl-Pluh-Please, I-I promise you, I'm fine.".

    He wasn't really just fine. Even he had to admit that he wasn't okay, none of what he was saying was even scarcely the truth, but as many may know...opening up about these kinds of things was never really his strong suit. Even when he was offered some talks with Hound Dog for some therapy by Nezu, Togata was already issued these as well, he politely refused with a look of concern from the rat-dog-bear-mouse animal being given back; however, unlike in Mirio's case, he couldn't forcibly issue anything for the boy to be sent to Hound Dog's care. As much as the principal himself already knew, there was little he could do as he'd need a good enough cause, and evidence, to request a warrant of some kind forcing Izuku to see some form of therapy. Him, along with all of the boys friends, had to simply wait until he was ready, if that ever came.

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