6: Bitterly Sweet

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    "Yer talkin' as if I need a reason to help out a friend, what reason should I have other than the fact that yer my best bud, Midoriya? Do I...need a reason or something?". 

    Camie's words stuck to him like molasses in the street, and were carved into his mind like hieroglyphs. Everything about it, even now, left him back when she first said it to his face; there was only mumbles and awkward groans let out. After all, how could anyone really unpack this paragraph without feeling some oddity? 

    The whole thing, it felt like a glass onion. There were just layers and layers of confusion, but the answer was clear as day for him to see. 

    Now beforehand, there wasn't saying that this was the only form of nice dialogue he's ever heard in his life from someone he knew, after all who are Ida, Shoto, and Uraraka? Plus, there were many of the kind hearts 1-A classmates of his that tend to compliment him when he's a bit down or give him uplifting words when he's nervous. But why did this, now VERY good acquaintance, manage to get him to overthink from one set of dialogue, when his actual friends' words of encouragement felt like another arrow on the bullseye?

    I mean, he'd heard of the weird rumors that guys tend to hold onto compliments for weeks, months, even years back at Aldera, but he was ever a firm believer in that type of thing. And it certainly didn't feel that way either, so he wasn't planning on changing now, but there was something...special about it.

    She spoke to him almost entirely out of her character; it was as if she harbored a second more intellectual personality within her mind or something, or was it just simply her benevolence? And another thing was that last sentence, it almost didn't match the former in tone. The first ran rhetorically in it's words, but the second was almost genuine to an extent before she dissolved back to her gal-like attitude. She was genuinely asking him if she needed a reason to feel worried for him; she seemingly did care for him. 

     It was all so odd, yet strangely comforting.

    Speaking of strangely comforting, what truly got his attention was the fact that he said his name correctly, heck she just said his name instead of just calling him dude or bro. As if to speak further leagues unto her change in character...well, what change that could be implemented. For Utsushimi was still that ever straightforward, flirty, social, and overly mellow chick that just randomly started talking to him during the license exam retakes. 

     Honestly that last bit was also sort of comforting since just about everything nowadays felt like it was changing too fast for him to keep up, but then again it could just be that he slowed down. But he shouldn't be talking, after all he was himself different from when he originally came to this school many months ago. I guess the shy boy could say both he and the fawn haired girl are great examples of change.

    Yes, it was all so...special for some reason.

    Why? He really couldn't tell you what it was, what he could tell you is what it wasn't. It wasn't some odd reason that was unanswerable for the sake of maybe love or something like that, heavens forbid no; he enjoyed her company, but he knew for a fact that such a thing was an impossibility. It also wasn't JUST her personality, sure she was calm ninety-percent of the time, but that serenity was mixed poorly with her bluntness, lack of understanding social cues, and her tendency to overstretch boundaries still. It was an odd something, but he couldn't figure what it was, at least just yet.

    The standing theory, he felt, was perhaps she had somehow managed to say the words that he'd been wanting to hear. Words, that he'd been wanting to hear for a long time, perhaps even longer than he may even realize. Or, perhaps it was simply how fond he's become of her company.

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