Ep. 9 ★ hashira meeting

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(So obviously tanjiro is going to become a hashira due to the rules 'you have to kill 50 demon or a moon' andd hello tanjiro killed a moon👆) jk i know you have to be a certain rank then you can become a hashira but idrc
Im trying to be more active btw
.zentan .inotan
(One sided)
Writing in another pov guys😨
Mitsui thoughts

'Kyaaaahhhhh! Oh my godness this boy is the perfectness of both handsome and cute!!! I hope i get to go on a mission with him!! I heard he killed a moon and he's only mizunoto... HES NOT ONLY CUTE AND HANDSOME BUT HES STRONG TO? SORRY IGURO BUT HE UPSTAGES YOU!!!! I NEED HIM! HE WILL BE MINE I WILL MAKE SURE OF IT! but im sure the other hashira's are thinking the same thing.'

Obanai thoughts

'I hate to admit it but this guy... hes good looking i will give him that. His face has delicate features... he has beautiful long red hair. I have never seen thoose earing before must be a family thing. Besides that this boy killed a moon and hes only mizunoto he truly is perfect... i want him for myself i really do. Plus i can tell kaburamaru already likes him. I suppose i should go talk to him after the meeting.
But the thing is i can already tell the others have the same thoughts, thoose bastards.

Shinobu thoughts

'This kid is truly something... not to mention he is drop dead gorgeos. His face looks as smooth as silk... and his perfect tan skin. He is also strong! I should talk to him about staying in my estate! His friends are their he would have to say yes. Maybe even invite him for dinner.. KYAH dont get ahead of yourself!
I want him to love me like i do him... i have to make him mine! Though, the others are standing in my way those fuckers.'

Tomioka thoughts

'This is the girl from the mountain, not even that shes a male.... Though he is prettier up close. ah! Get thoose thoughts away! Though it would be nice to perhaps have dinner with him?.. maybe i should wait till he approaches me. Im not sure why the master wanted to speak with him, hopefully he isn't in trouble..
I really want to get close to him... maybe he could be mine? Thats not possible, i hate how the other hashira stare at him.'

Muichiro thoughts

'What was that cloud again?... oh right the guy. What did shinobu say his name was again? Whatever thats not important what is, is how handsome he is. I should talk to him! I heard he is around my age.. gosh he has really clear skin! His hair might even be longer than mine geez. He.. hes cute ill give him that! what if he likes me? I mean who wouldn't? ('Oh my god girlies is this beach not the most beautiful thing you've ever seen)
I do have to be careful about the others thought i hate the way they keep staring at him!'

Sanemi thoughts

'This is the brat that everyone is freaking out about? He is nothing more than a shrimp. Though he is good looking... his hair flows perfectly in the wind, his face litterly shimmers under the sun. Disgusting what am i thinking! He is goodlooking.. i heard he was strong too. Why does it piss me off so much that their staring at him?..'

Gyomei thoughts

'I cant see.
BUT! I can tell that he is goodlooking by the way shinobu described him. I heard he was strong killing a moon after just joining the corps. Its truly fantastic i sure would love to talk to him, maybe get dinner?
Again i cant see'

Rengoku thoughts

'Well isn't he cute! Shinobu said he was strong how lovely! He is very good looking! His red hair is truly pretty, the was it flows in the wind... his eyes look dead though..NO WORRIES I WILL TALK TO HIM AFTER THE MEETING!
I dont meen to be rude but the way the others stare at him angers me..'

(After that)

Third pov

The frail man walks through the door with the assistance of the young kids. He smiled at the nine bowing adults, "good morning children, the weather sure is nice" he speaks his voice sweet as honey. "I hope you find yourself in good health master!" Squealed the green and pinked haired girl.

The master smiled before speaking once again "as you may have heard tanjiro here has killed a lowermoon" they turned to tanjro.
Tanjiro nodded, "aswell.. he has come face to face with muzan." Everyones eyes widened at tagt statment. Soon tanjiro was bombarded with questions from the nine, "what were his powers!" "Did you battle?" "What were his ability's?" "My~ was he strong?" "Were you scared?" Tanjiro just ignored them.

The master said nothing, but to silence the hashira he brought his hand to his mouth and extended his finger. Instantly they quieted down, "that is not the only reason i have called this meeting... tanjiro though you are a mizunoto." He paused.

"You have been proven more than worthy, please indrodice yourself to your partners..." he said although tanjiro was confused he obeyed. "Im tanjiro kamado... i use sun breathing." Was all he said.

"Tanjiro.. i mean that you are now a hashira" the master spoke all the hashira's eyes widned once again. "M-master are you sure? Maybe i should show him a-" "I WILL SHOW HIM AROUND MY FRIENDS" "i will im kinder!" "This is so unflashy!"

Everyone was talking over one another, though tanjiro showed no expression he was a bit exited.

The youngest of the nine said nothing, he walked over to tanjiro and hooked an arm around him. "Hi! Im muichiro want to hangout?" He smiled everyone turned to him with threatening glares.

"Now, children i trust you will take care of tanjiro. This concludes our meetings goodbye dear children." The man smiled with that he walked back to the door he came from. Once he was gone everyone ran towards tanjiro and muichiro. "Hi! Tanjiro right im mitsuri kanroji! We shoul-" "HELLO IM RENGOKU KYOJIRO!" "Tengen uzui" "senami shinazugawa".

They indoduced one another, though tanjiro couldn't care less. He wanted to tell yoriichi the news as fast as possible and these nuisances weren't helping. "Tanjiro your friends are at my estate! Walk with me yeah?" Said shinobu who sneaked an arm around tanjiro's. Secretly pushing muichiro's off of tanjiro's "oh.. sure." Tanjiro said.

The hashira glared at shinobu who only smiled, claiming a considered victory.


#8 in please
#4 in foryourentertainment
#4 in inoske
#5 in tanjiroXall


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