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After me and kanao had finished with the pictures I gave her hair pin back. She smiled as she took it out of my hands. "Can you clip of back on?" She mumbled, a bit red.

I agreed out of respect "of course." I smiled. She turned around slightly embarrassed and gathered her hair to one side. Kanao always had a signiture hairstyle, one side ponytail being supported by her butterfly clip.

I've done hair before, MANY times nezuko had asked me to braid it for her ever since she had meet with mitsuri. Another female student a grade above me. But besides that I've dont plenty of hairstyles before. This was a peice of cake.

As i confidently clipped her hair it immediately slipped back down. 'What the-?!'

I grabbed the clip again and placed it in her hair only for it to slide off again, now I'm getting angry. This little clip is being difficult for absolutely no reason. As a last stick effort I grabbed kanao's hair out of her hands and tried my best to clip it onto her hair. She slightly winced as I tried which made me stop immediately.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! Did I hurt you..?" I asked, she shook her head saying 'no' before fixing her clip herself. I felt awful...and slightly embarrassed...

The person outside of the photo booth peeked his head out from the curtain, "you two, lovebirds get out now.." he harshly said. What? As a chaperone shouldn't he have more respect for the students? "Tch, what a jerk." I scoffed but when I glanced towards kanao her face was beet red.

"L-lovers?!?" She stuttered, seeming completely baffled. "Lets go kanao." I sighed extending my hand out for her to take. She looked at my hand then back at me, "b-but wouldn't people think...we're lovers..?" Her voice was bearly audible and she kept lowering her head in embarrassment.

I scoffed "I don't care what people think about me." I answered truthfully. Her eyes seemed to lit up and she took my hand in an instant.
She seemed more confident than a second ago. Once we stepped out of the booth a lady handed us out photo strip. I chukled as I looked it over, I looked stupid in most of them because the brightness made me squint my eyes.

"Can I see?" Kanao asked. I passed it to her but that's when I relized our hands we're still linked together. I slowly pulled my hand away, 'akward..' I mentally repeated in my head as I watched her smile at the pictures.

"These..are lovely!" She beamed holding them up to my face so I could look at them once again.

"Big brotherrrr!!!" I heard nezuko yell, which shocked me. How could she scream over the loud ass music?

"We should go kanao." "Mhm..." she agreed, but still clung onto my arm. I didn't pay no mind, she could've gotten lost in the crowd and wanted something to hold onto.

As we made our was we kept bumping into people shoulders, hips, every damn upper body part you can imagine. I was able to sheild kanao from people bumping into her but I was practically all covered in bruises because of it. I groaned in exhaustion as I finally caught up with nezuko.

Aoi was behind her and she kept looking at kanao, whom was still grabbing onto my arm for dear life. As soon as nezuko noticed a sly smirk grew on her face, "ooohhh...I see...big brother wanted some alone time with kanao.." she teased. Kanao got vissably red causing her to run off in some direction. "Nezuko...that's not true." "I know, but it's obvious she likes you!" She added.

While we talked aoi seemed hurt for some reason? "Aoi..? Are you alright?" I asked, which seemed to snap her out of her daze. She combed through her hair nervously. "H-Huh? Oh yeah..sorry." She muttered.

I brushed it off perhaps the food started making her feel nauseous? Before i could gather my thoughts nezuko gasped loudly, causing me to flinch. "Huh?!" I yelped, nezuko grabbed my arm. "Big brother you remeber your love letters right!?" She yelled.

I felt my smile turn to a frown in an instant, "how could I forget..." I groaned. "I think the person who wrote atleast one of them is here! I saw a paper on the wall with the exact same handwriting!!"

I facepalmed, " does that even make sense?" I asked. Maybe she thinks she's playing detective? "No, no listen okay?! It was a list of people signing up to help in the dance! Atleast three of the handwritings matched!" She yelled practically screaming in my face.

Through what she said made me a little skeptical. "How do you even know it's their handw-" before i could even finish my sentance the love letters I dread so much were shoved in my face. I yelped, trying to shove them back into her pocket. "HEY! HEY! Don't ever let anyone see those..!" I pleaded.

"Big brother don't you get it? You can find out who it is if you just match the handwriting!" She beamed. She ended up dragging me towards the sign up sheet. As we walked towards the crowd I feel anxiousness start to swell up in my chest. What if it's someone I know? That would make things super akward...we could be friends then suddenly we would have to ignore eachother in the hallways.. never ever talking to eachother again. But then again if I don't know the person it would be akward too. What if they were a stalker all along and I was about to die?!?

With each possible scenerio running through my mind I felt even more hopeless. I hate confrontation.. "Tadah!!" Nezuko presented, the paper being bearly visible due to the bright ass colerful lights and the dimly lit area. I narrowed my eyes trying to even make out a letter. " cant even tell a single letter on here.." I sighed, anxiety slowly passing over me.

Nezuko smacked my arm, her own way of telling me to focus. "Can't you tell?! It's obviously-!" Just as she was about to tell me Inosuke had bolted infront of us and the paper. "Hey guys! What's going on haha! Enjoying the party?" "Yeah...inosuke could you m-" "you should try out the food it's super good!"

He yelled practically dragging us away from the paper.

I sighed, slightly thankful for Inosuke's roughness. It made Nezuko give up on finding out the person who wrote the letters.

For some reason I feel as if it's better not to know.


The second yoriichi. (Tanjiro harem)Where stories live. Discover now