Ep. 10 ★ new home?

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*(not mine)THE PHOTO ABOVE IS HOW TANJIRO LOOKS! But his eyes dont have his signature sparkle*
(Sorry if your a little mad tanjiro became a hashira so early... sorry abt that.)
(Tanjiro will also be called the 'sun piller')
.zentan .inotan .ALLHASHIRAx TANJIRO
Tanjiro pov

Shinobu invited me to her estate to see the other two. I accepted, i really didnt want to go but i wanted to get out of my current situation.
"So tanjiro~! What's your breathing style again?" She smiled. "Sun breathing.." "oh! I haven't heard about that type of breathing!" I shrugg.

We soon arriaved at the entrance to her mansion, "NOOOO I WONT KYAHHHH!!!" I heard screaming. 'I can already guess..' i thought sighing harshly. "Tanjiro your friends are quiet loud dont you think?" She cheered i just nodded.

We walked down a long hallway then stopped infront of a door where the screams were more audible.
(Ps their not that badly injured, only zenitsu bc he like was turning into a spider😭)

Shinobu opened the door to reavel zenistu crying while a girl was forcing him to drink medicine. Her hair was a dark blue, she had pigtails along with similar butterfly clips as the others. She was wearing a uniform so im guessing she's also a corps member.

She then noticed us, she greeted shinobu but got vissably flustered when she talked to me. "U-uh hello sir! Um are you injured? If you are please sit on one of the beds." She stuttered blushing a few times.

"Im not injured i just came to visit them." I said pointing to both zenistu and inosuke.
"TANJIROOO!!!! ARE YOU WORRIED ABOUT ME?! THIS SCARY LADY IS TRYING TO POISEN ME!!" He yelled pulling me into a sufficating embrace. As he held me i noticed soemthing 'did he get smaller?' I thought looking at him more closely.

Our eyes meet and his face blushed red, "w-whats wrong tanjiro?.." he asked "did you get smaller or is it just me?". His face returned to a horrified exprssion "I ALMOST TURNED INTO AN ICKY SPIDER!" He cried smearing snot all over my sleeve.

I look at him with the most disgusting face i could make before walking over to the pigtailed haired girl. "Please wash this." I said taking off my uniform top. She blushed madly, looking away she grabbed my shirt and squrried off.

"W-wait tanjiro! Im sorry promise! Umm you work out a lot..?" I heard zenistu yell as i was about to walk out. "No way im leaving." I sighed as i grabbed a random shirt putting it on.

'Im never coming close to him ever again.' I thought disgusted about what just happened. I was lost in thought when i felt a hard object bump my shoulder. I turned around to see a guy, tall his hair was black and styled in a mohack. He didn't apologize, he just kept waking along the hall ignoring what had just happend.

'Rude.. i feel like i know him from some where? No i dont know rude people' i rolled my eyes before walking outside of the butterfly mansion. "KAH! TANJIRO THE MASTER REQUESTS YOUR PRESENCE KAH!" Shouted my crow.

I nodded and asked my crow to lead me to his estate, it wasn't far. Once i arriaved i knocked to make sure he was there. "Come on in" i soft voice spoke, i oppened the door to see the so called master. "Ah.. tanjiro please take a seat." He smiled i obeyed sitting on the floor.

He had a napkin filled with blood beside him, "tanjiro... you are now a hashira. That comes with great responsibility, you will also be assigned harder missions. As a hashira you will have your own estate and get payed the amount you desire." He spoke smiling warmly the whole time. "I understand." I said, "tanjiro im sure you will bond with the rest of the hashira splendidly" he said before i was dismissed.

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