Ep. 25 ★ Entertainment District PT.2

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.i love you guys so much😝

At this point I feel like I have the worst luck ever. I must have done something in my past life to deserve this. I'm currently getting dragged by uzui to the entertainment district. With inosuke and zenitsu struggling to keep up. I will admit uzui deserves to be a hashira. He is incredibly fast, he is also very stealthy like a ninja which I find pretty fascinating.

"Tanjiro you are pretty fast!" Uzui complimented. The only annoying thing I have on him is everytime he runs he runs with beads...so it sounds like a constant clanging sound is in my ear which annoys me.


After traveling with three idiots for hours we finally made it to the 'entertainment district'. Even though it was night time the lights coming from this place made it look like it was day time. Floats, balloons, any party item you can think of was either being displayed or being put to use. "It's bright..." I complained. Uzui chukled as he put an arm around me "it's alright tanjiro! If anything this will make the demon not want to attack." He did have a point...

I wanted to see what the other two thought about this place but when I turned my head they were gone. I sighed, 'we aren't here to look around. This ISNT a vacation. Where are they?' I scanned the area. Luckily it doesn't take that long to find a bright yellow haired kid and a shirtless boar. Zenitsu was talking with some girl.. that were ATLEAST twice his age. "Awww...hey kid! Why not relax? We have some tea...and other things." The woman giggled as she stroked zenitsu's hair. He was a blushing mess..

I tapped his shoulder "this isn't some vacation" I reminded him. "Sorry ladies.." he said sorrowfully while walking away. I didn't even start a conversation with Inosuke. Just grabbed him and dragged him away. "HEY!" He yelled. He was about to attack an old man..if I had been a second to late then that poor man would've  gotten rabies or something.

Uzui ended up taking us to a hotel looking place. "Thank you sir" he said with a smiling face as they gave us a room key. The room wasn't luxurious, but it wasn't filthy either. Uzui sat down one the floor and signaled us to do the same, "as you know, a demon lurks here. I came here previously...but i couldn't get information as a customer. So you guys are here to get inside" Uzui explained.

Zenitsu raised his hand as if he was a student "What exactly does that mean...?". "It means...you guys will go in as workers"

The room went dead silent. "Your telling us we have to go be a little 'friendly'... with guys so that we can get intel about a demon?" I asked. "Exactly" uzui shot us a shit eating grin. I groaned 'cross dressing is not what I imagined I was ever going to do'.
Just then a knock at the door was heard. "Sir your stuff you ordered is here.." a man said as he stepped into the room carrying a basket filled with buety cosmetics, fancy clothes, and hair decorations. 'Well shit'

"You can't be serious.." i sighed while looking over the items in the basket. "Never been more serious."

After they got ready





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