so, why can't you see?

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❝ if you could see that i'm the one

who understands you,

been here all along ❞

excitement filled the air as jisung, minho and his girlfriend received invitations to a highly anticipated party. jisung eagerly shared the news with his close-knit group of friends, making plans for the event.

"hey, guess what! it's jackson's birthday and he's invited all of us for his party this weekend" jisung happily announced.

"that's awesome!" felix replied to him with same enthusiasm, "can't wait to dance the night away!" he added while doing some fortnite dance while sitting next to changbin.

"yeah, it sounds like it's going to be a blast. we should go shopping together min, to find some matching outfits for the party" hae-ri squealed in her high pitched voice making felix roll his eyes at her.

the five of them were seated at the table right in the middle of the canteen, discussing who would be the sober one to drive them home.

as the day of the party approached, jisung and felix spent time preparing and getting ready.

they went shopping for stylish outfits, shared makeup tips, and exchanged ideas for how to make the most of the night.

jisung couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions, knowing that minho and hae-ri would be there together.

at the party, the atmosphere was vibrant with music, laughter, and dancing. the group of friends stuck together, making sure everyone was having a great time.

jisung noticed how well minho and his girlfriend got along, and it brought both joy and a hint of jealousy.

he was happy that minho and hae-ri were enjoying themselves but he also wished that it was him making minho laugh like that.

throughout the night, jisung tried to suppress any feelings of insecurity and focused on enjoying the party. he danced, laughed, and created lasting memories with his friends.

as the party progressed, jisung noticed that his best friend had consumed a bit too much alcohol and was starting to act intoxicated.

concerned for his well-being, jisung decided it was time to step in and take care of his friend.

placing a hand on minho's shoulder,"hey, it looks like you've had enough for tonight. let me help you get home safely."

"nah, i'm fine don't worry about me." minho replied, slurring his words.

jisung noticed that minho seemed a bit down. he could tell that minho was feeling left out and ignored by his girlfriend, which saddened him.

"i do worry, though. you're drunk and i won't let you get into any trouble. come on, let's head home."

jisung tried to reason with his best friend, but the effects of alcohol were making it difficult for minho to make sound decisions.

seeing that the situation might worsen, jisung gently guided his friend towards the exit, making sure he didn't stumble or fall.

throughout the process of leaving the party, jisung looked around for hae-ri, hoping she would offer some assistance or show concern for minho.

however, it became apparent that she was more interested in socializing with others and was seemingly oblivious to her intoxicated boyfriend's state.

"i can't believe she's not even noticing what's going on" he sighed deeply.

despite his disappointment, jisung knew his priority was taking care of his best friend. he hailed a taxi and helped minho into the back seat, giving the driver the address of their home.

in the cab, minho leaned on jisung's shoulder for support, mumbling incoherent words.

as the cab rolled through the city streets, minho continued to ramble about his girlfriend, seemingly oblivious to jisung emotions.

jisung forced a smile, not wanting to dampen minho's spirits but feeling a pang of sadness in his heart.

he had been there for his best friend through thick and thin, always supporting him, yet he seemed entirely focused on hae-ri, unaware of jisung's own feelings.

upon arriving at their home, jisung made sure minho safely got inside before leaving. he decided to stay a little longer to ensure minho was settled.

"do you want me to stay with you until you feel better?" jisung asked after tucking minho in his bed.

"no, i'll be fine. thank you for everything" minho mumbled.

"alright. if you need anything, just call me, okay? take care." he slowly whispered before hearing minho's little snores.

jisung finally headed home and on the way back, he couldn't help but feel a mixture of frustration and sadness towards hae-ri's lack of concern, "not even a phone call huh?"

it was disheartening to see someone jisung cared about deeply being ignored by someone minho cared about deeply.

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