walk in the streets with you

193 13 9

you in your worn-out jeans,

i can't help thinking this is how

it ought to be. ❞

the sun was shinning brightly as minho and jisung took a leisurely walk together to the bus stop for their university.

the air was cool, and the sky painted with hues of blue, creating a serene atmosphere.

they continued strolling along the quiet streets, occasionally exchanging small talk and playful banter.

minho was in his favourite jeans that was completely worn out because of how many times the latter had wore it whereas jisung was in his simple grey sweatpants.

as they approached the bus stop, minho sighed, looking a bit troubled.

"you know, if you ever need help with your studies or anything, don't hesitate to ask. i'm here for you." jisung nudged the boy, "i know you suck at maths"

"thanks i guess?" minho replied with sarcasm laced heavily in his voice.

as they waited for the bus, minho's mood seemed to lighten. they chatted about their plans for the upcoming weekend and shared a few jokes to ease out the stress of coming day.

when the bus arrived, they got on together and found seats side by side.

as the bus gently rumbled along, they decided to make the most of the journey by sharing a pair of earphones and listening to some music they both loved.

minho leaned his head against jisung's shoulder, and jisung, in return, rested his head against minho's.

with the soft melody of the music playing in their ears, the world outside the bus seemed to fade away. it was as if they were in their own little bubble, cocooned by the warmth of their relationship.

the rhythm of the music matched the gentle sway of the bus, creating a calming and comforting ambiance.

it was a thirty minute ride from the bus stop to their university and unfortunately for jisung the bus halted as soon as it's reached it's destination, indicating that their stop had arrived.

going their separate ways for the first lecture, jisung found his way to the classroom and took a seat besides felix.

"any updates on your love life ji?" felix asked excited.

"does it even exist at this point?" jisung rolled his eyes and removed his books.

during the class, jisung was engaged, absorbing the knowledge presented by the professor.

he took diligent notes, participated in discussions, and enjoyed the intellectual atmosphere of learning, all just to avoid thoughts of a particular someone.

as the day's lectures progressed, jisung eagerly anticipated his favourite class: mathematics, a subject he shared with minho.

maths had always been a challenging but enjoyable subject for him, enjoyable only because of having minho in the same class.

as he entered the mathematics classroom, he found seats together with minho, side by side, ready to tackle the lesson.

the professor began the lecture, and jisung and his best friend were attentive, exchanging knowing glances and subtle nods as they followed the explanations and examples.

throughout the class, they occasionally whispered to each other, clarifying concepts and discussing problem-solving techniques.

"i think i get this part, but what about the second example the professor mentioned?" minho softly whispered.

"let me walk you through it after class. it'll make more sense when we can take our time to discuss it." jisung happily whispered back.

minho nodded, feeling grateful for his best friend's willingness to help him and his ability to explain concepts in a way that made sense.

jisung eagerly made his way to their favorite café, looking forward to meeting up his best friend after a long day at university.

the café was a place filled with fond memories, a spot where they had shared countless conversations and laughter.

arriving at the café, jisung settled into their usual corner booth, his heart filled with excitement at the prospect of spending time with his best friend.

he ordered minho's favorite drink and waited, scanning the entrance with anticipation.

minutes turned into what felt like an eternity, but minho was nowhere to be seen. jisung checked his phone for any messages, hoping for an explanation, but there were no notifications.

as more time passed, jisung's excitement gradually turned into worry and disappointment.

he couldn't understand why minho would stand him up, especially without any prior notice or explanation.

jisung's heart sank as he waited at the café, still unaware of the true reason behind minho's absence.

feeeling a mix of worry and disappointment, he decided to check his phone again for any updates or messages.

as he mindlessly scrolled through social media, he came across hae-ri's instagram story and paused in shock.

there, in the story, were images of minho spending time with hae-ri, laughing and seemingly carefree, as if he had never planned to meet up with jisung at the café.

unable to bear the disappointment any longer, jisung reluctantly decided to leave the café. he tried to push away the growing feelings of hurt and jealousy.

as jisung walked home from the café, the rain started to pour down.

the droplets fell heavily, mirroring the weight on his heart. the combination of being stood up and the rain's relentless downpour intensified the feelings of worthlessness and frustration.

each step through the rain felt heavier than the last. jisung couldn't help but feel hurt by the recent events and began to question his worth.

thoughts swirled in his mind, wondering why minho hadn't prioritized their meeting and why he had seemingly forgotten in favor of the girlfriend, why he chose her over him, why, why, why?

in the midst of the storm, he found himself harboring resentment towards hae-ri. the emotions were raw and intense, clouding his judgment and causing him to feel even more isolated.

jisung's negative thoughts seemed to grow louder with every passing minute in the rain.

he began to question if minho truly valued their friendship or if jisung was always second to hae-ri. the answer was predictable.

as the rain soaked through his clothes, jisung finally reached his home. he stepped inside, feeling a mix of relief and exhaustion. the emotions from the day's events weighed heavily on his shoulders.

they are happy together and he'll never see me anything more than his bestfriend, that is how it is, that is how it'll always be.

you belong with me ; minsungWhere stories live. Discover now