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and waiting at your backdoor

all this time how could

you not know, baby? ❞

it had been a month since jisung's birthday and the last he and minho had conversed properly was at felix's birthday party.

jisung had seem to grown a liking towards hyunjin and had quietly distanced himself from minho, who according to jisung didn't seem to mind much since he was always busy with hae-ri.

but since minho's birthday was approaching, he decided to surprise him with a cake too, just like minho had.

he carefully selected a cake that he knew minho would love and even added a personal touch by decorating it with a heartfelt birthday message.

finally on the night of minho's birthday, jisung arrived at his house, cake in hand, with anticipation and hope. he planned to surprise minho just as he had been surprised.

however, as he stood by the backdoor, waiting for the perfect moment to spring the surprise, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of anxiety when he realized that minho wasn't home.

time ticked by, and jisung patiently waited. as a car driving by could be heard, revealing minho and his girlfriend returning from their outing, jisung couldn't help but feel the same twinge of sadness.

he saw how happy minho looked as hae-ri waved him off before giving a peck to his lips. he saw minho finally approaching the door to his house.

jisung's heart raced. it was now or never.

with a deep breath, he stepped forward, holding out the birthday cake, "..happy birthday, min!!!" jisung yelled at the boy making him jump.

"i think i just lost a year off my life." minho jokingly replied. he was happy, infact very happy that jisung was here to wish him.

ever since the sudden realisation of being jealous over jisung, minho couldn't help but feel awkward around the boy.

although all the awkwardness was threw away into the thin air since the moment he was surprised, like it never existed in the first place.

"you have nine lives anyways" jisung playfully rolled his eyes as he slowly lit the candles and moved forward, "now make a wish, asshole"

minho, recovering from the shock, couldn't help but burst into laughter.

the tension that had existed between them seemed to melt away in that moment, replaced by genuine happiness.

"so, how long have you been lurking by my backdoor, waiting to surprise me?" minho jokingly nudged the boy as they were settled in the kitchen, eating the cake they had just cut.

jisung, with a mischievous glint in his eye, decided to tease his best friend a little.

"oh, not too long. just about an hour or so..." he jokingly replied, purposely sneezing and making a sad face after it.

" hour or so?! you've been out there in the cold for an hour???" minho guiltily stood up from his seat.

his playful grin turned into a guilty expression as he realized that jisung had been waiting for a significant amount of time just to surprise him.

"yup, it hasn't been that long. but hey, it's your birthday, i had to make it special!!" jisung happily replied seeing minho tense up.

" didn't have to ji..." minho finally walked away from the kitchen top, making his way to the heater as he increased the temperature.

in an effort to change the subject and keep the birthday celebration lighthearted, jisung decided to bring up the topic of minho's upcoming football match finale.

"so, i heard you have that big football match tomorrow, mr. team captain. how are you feeling about it?"

"oh, you know the usual, it's just another game. i'll get through it." minho hesitantly replied as he made his way back to the counter top.

minho's response was tinged with a hint of reluctance, and jisung couldn't help but pick up on it.

"you don't seem too thrilled about it. is everything okay?" jisung reluctantly asked.

"you know ji, the same thing. it's more of a responsibility than a passion," minho sighed as he stuffed his mouth with another bite, "the cake's too good by the way!!"

jisung nodded in understanding, realizing that minho's role as the team captain might be more of a burden than a joy.

"well, you may not love the game, but i know you're a great leader. your team looks up to you, and you've got their backs...'ll do great you know? with me supporting you from the bleachers and all, i'm sure!!" jisung narcissistically replied.

"it means a lot, ji" minho sarcastically replied back as the two broke into laughter.

you belong with me ; minsungWhere stories live. Discover now