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if you ever told jisung that he would be finally dating his best friend a year ago, he would've laughed in your face-

and later cry in his room.

but as he looked across the room at minho, who was now peacefully dozing off, he couldn't help but marvel at the unexpected turn his life had taken.

it had been a long journey from the laughter and tears of his teenage years to this moment of blissful contentment.

"you're absolutely adorable when you're asleep, you know that?" jisung spoke in a soft and affectionate tone.

his heart swelled with love as he watched the rise and fall of minho's chest, the steady rhythm of his breaths, and the faint smile that graced his lips as he dreamed.

with a gentle touch, he brushed a strand of hair from his forehead, letting out a contented sigh as he settled in beside him.

as much as he relished the sight of his beloved boyfriend peacefully dozing off,

he knew that it was time to rouse him from his slumber. they had a valentine's party to host!

"hey, sleepyhead, it's time to wake up. we have a party to host!!!" jisung gently shook him causing minho to stir, his eyes slowly fluttered open as he adjusted to the light.

"mhm, do we have to? i was having the most wonderful dream," he replied with a drowsy smile

"yesss!! it's valentine's day, and i want to spend it with you and our friends!!"

minho, despite his initial grogginess, couldn't help but smile back, "alrighty, let's get ready for this party," they shared a brief but sweet kiss before getting up.

✩°。⋆⸜ 🎧✮

the living room was transformed into a cozy dance floor, with dimmed lights and a carefully curated playlist of romantic tunes.

the first guests to arrive were felix and changbin,"hellloo!!" felix immediately engulfed his best friend in a hug causing minho to playfully glare at him.

"love the matching outfits, guys. very chic," he teased the two while grinning.

"we aim to please, minho. besides, we thought we'd give the party some extra class," changbin winked at the latter while placing his arms around his boyfriend's neck as the two walked in.

"well, look who's finally off the market this valentine's," the teasing then turned towards jisung, who was no longer single on this valentine's day.

"guilty as charged," he winked at felix before continuing, "i guess i had to catch up with you guys" he chuckled.

the doorbell rang, interrupting the conversation between the two couples.

minho rushed to the door and swung it open, revealing his favorite teammate, chan and his boyfriend, jeongin, standing there with smiles on their faces.

"hey mate! hope we're not too fashionably late"

"you guys are right on time! come on in" minho happily returned their smiles as he bought them to the place where the rest of them were seated.

as minho welcomed chan and jeongin to the party, jisung and felix couldn't contain their delight.

they greeted jeongin with open arms and affectionate smiles, "hey there, our favorite child! how's it going?"

"hope our baby is not causing you too much trouble chan!" felix grinned as he ruffled the hair of the boy in his arms.

their endearing references to jeongin as their child brought a grin to his face, and he decided to play along.

"well, you know, i'm trying to be on my best behavior, dads." jeongin cheekily replied causing everyone to break into laughter.

as the bell rang again, jisung took the initiative to open the door to reveal hyunjin along with his boyfriend, seungmin.

jisung had made sure to invite him as the two had grown more closer with time and since seungmin was friends with jeongin and felix too.

when they arrived, they were warmly greeted by his friends and were introduced to the group.

but as the night progressed, minho couldn't shake off the protective instincts that had welled up inside him.

he watched jisung and hyunjin interact and couldn't help but notice hyunjin's arm draped casually around  jisung's shoulders.

he decided to pull jisung aside, gently leading him into a quiet corner of the kitchen, "you know, ji, i wanted to give you something special tonight."

before jisung could react, minho leaned in and planted a sweet, soft kiss on his lips.

jisung couldn't help but chuckle at his boyfriend's antics,"what was that for?" he cheekily grinned.

"oh, j-just, you're not paying attention to me!!" he slowly mumbled and huffed after replying, a pout evident on his face.

jisung felt a blush creep up his cheeks and neck as he pulled his boyfriend in for yet  another kiss.

"are you jealous, min?"

minho gasped as he replied, "jealous? me? never!" he bought his hands to make a 'x' sign as he simply denied the false allegations causing the two to burst into laughter.

and so the night at the valentine's party wore on, the atmosphere became increasingly lively and chaotic.

laughter filled the room as the group of  friends indulged in some unexpected shenanigans.

jisung held up a mystery box, "time for a game of 'blindfolded mystery taste test'!" he yelled.

blindfolds were distributed, and the game began. few of them stumbled around, trying to guess the mystery foods they were handed.

there were exaggerated reactions as jeongin mistook a slice of cucumber for a pickle, while hyunjin swore he tasted 'spicy chocolate'.

"i swear, minho just ate a spoonful of mustard, thinking it was pudding!" hyunjin yelled as everyone burst into laughter.

meanwhile, minho's pet cat decided that this was the perfect time to join the chaos.

the cat darted around the room, knocking over a tower of heart-shaped cookies and causing a frantic chase scene.

"we've got a party crasher, guys!" chan tried to joke and failed miserablely when no one laughed at it except his boyfriend.

amidst the chaos, changbin attempted to show off his cooking skills by whipping up a heart-shaped pancake. however, the pancake art ended up looking more like a lopsided blob of love.

"well, it's the thought that counts, right?" felix chuckled as he happily ate the pancakes.

with everyone hungry or tired or both, half of the group decided to try their hand at cooking a delicious dinner, while the others watched the ensuing chaos unfold in the kitchen.

"alright, everyone, listen up! safety first. we're not burning the house down tonight."

as their self-appointed 'dad,' chan lectured the group on kitchen safety, drawing laughter and eye-rolls from everyone.

"i hope they don't find out about our failed cookie-baking adventure last week," jeongin whispered in chan's ear causing him to break into a giggle.

meanwhile, felix couldn't resist trying to steal a few sausages, much to the distress of jeongin, "go away!! don't take the the sausage!" he smacked felix's hand.

"hey! the sausage is mine!!" felix grabbed the sausage and tried to run away.


"don't touch my sausage!!"

all this time, seungmin sat back, eating popcorn and thoroughly enjoying the comedic chaos unfolding before him.

"this is better than any movie!!"

the end ❞

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