you belong with me.

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minho found himself at the prom, surrounded by the cheerful energy of his friends and the vibrant atmosphere of the event.

he had dressed up for the occasion and was engaged in conversations and laughter with the people around him.

on the surface, he appeared to be having a great time.

however, beneath the facade of enjoyment, a sense of sadness lingered within him. the absence of jisung, his closest friend, weighed heavily on his heart.

he couldn't help but steal glances around the room, hoping to catch a glimpse of jisung's familiar presence.

his absence left a noticeable void, and minho felt incomplete without him by his side.

as he danced, laughed, and celebrated with his friends, he couldn't escape the overwhelming feeling of sadness.

the prom night, which was meant to be a joyous occasion, had become a bittersweet reminder of the strained relationship between him and his best friend.

while he tried to put on a brave face, minho secretly wished that jisung would join him and share in the festivities.

despite the outward appearance of merriment, minho's heart ached with the silent hope that jisung might still choose to be a part of this special night.

the prom was a whirlwind of activity and excitement.

the venue buzzed with energy as students and guests filled every corner, their laughter and chatter filled the air.

it was a sight to behold.

the dance floor was alive with couples swaying to the music, their elegant attire glinting under the shimmering lights.

the dj played a mix of classic tunes and modern hits, ensuring there was something for everyone to dance to.

and at the refreshment table, guests indulged in an array of delicious treats.

laughter and conversation flowed freely as friends and couples enjoyed their meals.

whereas in the quieter corners, some prom-goers found respite from the dancing to engage in heartfelt conversations. tge atmosphere held joy, nostalgia, and a touch of youthful romance.

the prom was a vivid tapestry of colors, with gowns and suits in every hue imaginable.

photographers roamed the venue, capturing candid moments and group shots, immortalizing the memories of this special night.

minho despite his inner turmoil, couldn't deny the infectious spirit of the event.

he mingled with his friends and teammates, shared in the laughter, and tried to immerse himself in the festivities, all while secretly hoping for a reunion with jisung.

minho was in the midst of a spirited conversation with his friends, enjoying their company and the jovial atmosphere.

"remember that time when i couldn't stop blushing during our first date? it was like my heart was doing somersaults!" felix giggled.

"oh, and don't even get me started on the butterflies in my stomach. i thought i was going to float away!" he added on making changbin coo at his over dramatic boyfriend.

minho laughed along with their stories, but as they shared their romantic experiences, he couldn't help but drift into his own thoughts.

his mind wandered to moments spent with jisung—late-night talks, shared secrets, and the impromptu dance parties.

"you guys are so lucky to have experienced all that. falling in love is such an incredible fee—"


you belong with me ; minsungWhere stories live. Discover now