i know your favorite songs

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❝ and you tell me 'bout your dreams
think i know where you belong

think i know it's with me ❞

"well, well, look who's here, the heartbreaker himself."

as minho entered jisung's living room, he looked like a mix of sorrow and confusion, his hair slightly disheveled, and his eyes a tad puffy from what appeared to be some post-crying.

"oh, come on, don't make it worse." he groaned as he plopped on the couch.

"i'm just saying, you're single now, ready to mingle!!!" jisung plopped besides him with a grin.

"yeah, because that's exactly what i feel like doing right now," minho rolled his eyes while replying causing the two friends to share a bittersweet chuckle.

"but seriously, how are you holding up?" jisung asked turning more serious as the moments passed.

"i don't even know ji, it just... it all happened so fast. one minute we were celebrating the victory, and the next... it's like i'm in some weird fanfiction."

they shared a moment of laughter, their friendship serving as a comforting beacon in the midst of emotional turmoil.

minho's decision to come to jisung's house wasn't just about seeking comfort; they had planned a sleepover to help distract minho from the fresh wounds of his breakup.

as evening settled in, the two friends huddled on the living room floor with an assortment of snacks, blankets, and a collection of movies that ranged from laugh-out-loud comedies to action-packed thrillers.

"alright, first up, a classic comedy to lift the spirits!" jisung yelled cheerfully.

"sounds good. anything to take my mind off things." minho sighed.

and so, the night unfolded with a mix of laughter, movie marathons, and shared stories.

minho's initial gloom began to dissipate as the hours passed. with each joke and goofy movie quote, he managed to create a little bubble of happiness in the midst of his heartache.

as the clock ticked into the late hours, they found themselves drifting into deep conversations, discussing life, love, and the unpredictability of it all.

it was a strange blend of funny and sad, but in the comfort of their friendship, it somehow worked.

the night wore on and the conversation deepened, minho found himself sharing his dreams and aspirations for the future with jisung.

"you know, after all this, i've been thinking a lot about what i want in life. i've always felt like i've been living up to other people's expectations, especially my dad's,

but now, i want to find my own path, pursue what truly makes me happy."

jisung, while listening attentively to his best friend's dreams, couldn't help but feel a surge of emotions.

minho's words resonated deeply with him, and he found himself thinking that maybe, just maybe, minho belonged with him and that his breakup had a silver lining.

"that's incredible, really. it's important to follow your heart, to do what makes you happy," jisung placed his hand on minho's shoulder in attempts of comforting him.

"thanks, and thanks for being here ji, you've no idea how much it means to me." minho smiled weakly in return.

"anytime, min."

although he couldn't openly express it, jisung felt a glimmer of hope that the breakup might maybe lead to something new and exciting for both of them.

and so in an effort to lift minho's mood after the emotionally taxing conversations, jisung decided to play his best friend's favorite song, "baby shark."

it was a choice that might have elicited some playful teasing on any other night, but tonight, it was the perfect antidote to his heavy heart making minho give him a 'are you serious right now?' type of look.

"i know this is your jam!" he playfully grinned.

"you're really going to do this again?" minho jokingly asked as he stood up too.

he couldn't help but smile and join in the fun. the two friends began to dance around the living room, singing along to the catchy tune with exaggerated moves.

their laughter filled the room, and for a moment, it felt like all their worries had disappeared.

as they danced, jisung couldn't help but think that now that minho was single, maybe, just maybe, the time was right to muster up the courage to confess his feelings. this could be the chance i've been
waiting for.

as the song came to an end, they settled down on the couch, the room bathed in the soft glow of the television.

exhausted but content, they found themselves cuddling, seeking comfort in each other's arms.

"goodnight, ji"


and with those words, they drifted into a peaceful sleep, wrapped in the warmth of each other's arms.

you belong with me ; minsungWhere stories live. Discover now