I'm a crumb of nothingness

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I'm a crumb of nothingness in
your metaphorical world, where
the skies are pink and the clouds
are lovely desired cotton candies.

Yet, I fancy to fit in your hues
of fierce brightness despite being
An elfin soul trapped in a
dark room with dim green light.

Today, with a pinch of
hidden misery on my
gloomy face full of bruises,
I beg your pardon for my
obsessive behavior in
your court of justice.

If at all I did offend you
In any of the ways, then
I'm very sorry
But I wouldn't say that.

I still rue it though because all I
ever wanted was your presence.
In this very moment of serenity,
My dear Mr. Dream,
I dare to say that
I want you and don't mind it,
But I love you!

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