A new journey

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Edit: Before I begin...
Upon review hours later, I feel like this chapter is less than ideal. I had to rush this a bit, and here is the result...

If you don't want to suffer through a chapter, you can... Skip it? There's a summary Anyway, so...

Sorry lads.

Hiya lads! Back with a new chapter for all of you amazing readers!

Side note, someone mentioned Persia's arrow wound in the chest. I wrote that part at like one in the morning and forgot about it :skull: soooo...let's just pretend it somehow was healed after the battle. Sorry lads.

Also-I realized that the Grand Canyon skywalk isn't above the Colorado river...rather, it's above...well, a canyon. Or, a valley, idk. AMyway, just pretend in that segment Thalia's power blew them out and towards the Colorado river. Sowwy ;-;

Anyway, enjoy the chapter!

Feeling the strength leave her limbs, she gave up the struggle and allowed the darkness to consume her.

She just hoped everything would be alright.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

(Short Zeus perspective)

The lord of the skies stared down at the Grand Canyon as he felt a familiar yet foreign presence in his domain.

He saw one of his demigod children-Thalia Grace.


So, she's finally useful for once. Maybe I should help give her a hand...

She has better potential than Jason or that pile of minotaur dung I disowned.

Maybe I should pull her away from my traitorous daughters side and that prick I have for a niece.

She'll be my ultimate tool. Better than Heracles, better than Jason. Better than anyone else.

He smiled as he began planning, Grabbing his master bolt as he prepared to snatch his virgin huntress daughter back to olympus and shut the city of the gods away from the mortal world.

Unbeknownst to him, two disapproving powers remained in the throne room undetected, disgusted by his actions, as he raised his master bold and called for Ares, Dionysus and Hephaestus.

Three bright flashes later, and the three gods stood in front of him.

He smiled.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Artemis felt nothing except pain.

Heart-numbing pain.

She watched as Persia fell from the bridge.

She watch as Thalia, her trusted lieutenant of the hunt, leap after her.

It wasn't an uncommon knowledge to know that children of her father could fly-after all, that roman son of her father rescued the Cherokee girl just as Thalia leapt off.

The satyr was captured, but all three demigods were safe.

Training her godly sight on the pair, she was ready to flash down to the canyon floor.

A bolt of lightning stopped her.

Rather...she was teleported away by the bolt of lightning.

And was greeted by the end of her father's Lightning bolt.

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