❈ 6 , princess

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That's the only word on my mind right now.

I can't stop thinking of Tiana, the Disney princess, and connecting it with Kaia.

I even googled Tiana. They both have the same eyes.

I only ever see her during first period and occasionally steal glances during French (fifth period). We both sit on opposite sides of the room, and Mrs. Labelle is so uptight that I wouldn't have time to talk to her, even if I wanted to.

During first period, I know she purposely avoids my eyes. She just stares at her computer and occasionally writes notes. Sometimes she talks to one of the two girls sitting next to her; she's an efficient worker though. So far, we're doing good on our project.

Hazmah snaps in my face and jolts me out of my thoughts.

"Are you gonna eat... or just keep twirling your fork forever?" I stop twirling my fork. "Oh."

"I just lost a bet... Damn." Ethan sighs right across from me, and Micah holds out his hand. "My 95$, Please." He smirks.

"What?" I ask.

"We betted on how long you'd be in your thoughts for." Micah beams, and Ethan starts putting 95$ into the dreadhead's hand.

"I said 45 seconds." Ethan sighs and finishes giving Micah money, even though both of them don't need the money. Everyone here definitely has a net worth of more than a million dollars.

"And I said 75 seconds, which was closest." He pockets the 95$ Ethan just handed him. "What were you thinking about anyway?"

My eyes drift over to the other side of the lunchroom, where I can see Kaia and her friends.

I wonder if she's embarrassed to talk to me after she faceplanted in front of me.

"A Disney princess." I say mindlessly, and all three of them burst out laughing. I look back at our lunch table, and they're still laughing, Hazmah clutching his stomach, Micah slamming his hand down on the table, and Ethan shaking Micah for some kind of support while trying not to spit out his milk.

"Okay, Okay..." Hazmah finally calms down to ask me a question. "Which one? And most importantly... Why?" He laughs when asking the last question.

Ethan and Micah are struggling to keep their ugly laughs in before I can even let out my explanation.

"I ran into somebody yesterday—" "A girl." Ethan corrects me playfully, and I roll my eyes. "I ran into her yesterday, since then it's been on my mind." I say, sparing the details about her falling.

"So... You think she looks like Tiana?" Micah clarifies.

"They have the same eyes, same skin tone, they're both pretty."

Hazmah raises an eyebrow. "So you have a crush... on a girl that looks like Tiana."

I shrug. "It's not a crush; it's a comparison."

"Keep telling yourself that." Ethan chuckles and goes back to eating his sandwich.

I laugh playfully, but knowing Micah and Ethan, their new life aspirations are probably to find out who this "Tiana" is.

"Oh! Did you guys check the leaderboard yet?" Micah says, pulling out his phone. "No--" Ethan speaks muffled after stuffing his mouth with his sandwich. 

"I didn't either." Hazmah chines in. 

"Leaderboard?" I question.

"Yeah. Our school is serious about the academics. It becomes like.. a competition to be at the top. Y'know who's been at the top for the past two years--"

"Kaia Davis." Micah says, scrolling on his phone. "Holy shit. She's second."

"No way." Ethan puts down his sandwich. "Someone was able to beat her?" 

All of us creep behind Micah, looking over his phone to read the results. "Ryder Adams. Number one." Micah reads out.

"I'm number one?" I'm shocked. Really. I mean, I always knew I was smart, but not this smart.

"Ryder! This is amazing! Congrats!" Hazmah smiles, nudging me on the shoulder. Ethan and Micah hype me up, excited. 

◂ ❚ ⊱ꕥ⊰ ❚ ▸

Of course, when I get home, my step mother is on the phone rambling about something in head-to-toe designer clothing.

I try to sneak past her and go upstairs so I don't have to deal with her wrath, but she turns around and catches me just as I'm halfway up the stairs.

She lets out an exaggerated sigh and motions for me to come towards her.

"Just hold on. I'll call you back." She hangs up on someone who probably is my father and turns to me.

"Your father is hosting a gathering on Saturday" I nod. I'm going to invite Hazmah because usually when these things happen, I always invite him. These events are always drawn out with long speeches, toasts, and some good food. All of these things get boring after about 10 minutes, which is why I invite Hazmah.

I walk upstairs and do my nightly routine. Shower, brushing my teeth and washing my hair. 

I place my phone down on my nightstand, deciding not to use it for the rest of the day and just go to bed. 


okay hii guys!! this chapter was kinda rushed, im so sorrrryyyy. this chapter was so lazily edited so plssssss correct me on spelling errors. i leave for two weeks tmmrw and wanna feed yall b4 i leave. anyways. i <3 giving my characters trauma.  

UPDATED NOTE; i literately deleted half of this chapter because it was just so corny to me. lke i couldnt stand it no matter how much i re-read it.

dont forget 2 comment + vote!

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