❈ 9 , the event

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I'm really nervous. Right now I'm waiting for Ryder to text me that he's here. But I'm not nervous because of Ryder, I'm nervous because the president is going to be there. I mean, I've seen many important figures but never the president.

I go to rearrange one of my braids for the 6th time and Summer pauses my hand. "Just calm down. You look fine, you'll be fine, and you'll have fun." She gives me a lighthearted smile that eases my nerves.

I take a deep deep breath and smile. "Right, I'll have fun." My phone buzzes in my purse and I take it out.

"He's here."

"Yay.! Come on, you don't want to keep anyone waiting." Summer takes my hand, walking me out the front door. As we step out a Black Mercedes Maybach is waiting right there.

His driver gets out of the car and opens the backseat door for me. I wave bye to summer and I reply with a quick 'Thank you' before getting in the car.

I sit down in the car as the driver shuts the door for me and I look over at Ryder. "Hi." I give a small wave and he returns the 'Hi.'

As I sit down his scent smacks me in the face, in a good way. He smells fresh, like a cool breeze if it was turned into a cologne.

"You look really.. stunning."

I smile at his compliment and actually take a moment to look at his outfit. His black suit looks like it's been tailored and it's perfect in every way. It hugs on his figure, null of any imperfections. His white tie is set right in the middle. His hair looks like every strand has been brushed into perfection, free of flaws.

"You– You look good too. Well, amazing." I stumble over my words, trying not to under-compliment, if that even is a thing.

He smiles at me softly and as the car falls silent I can't help but ask.

"Is it horrible being the president's son?" As soon as I ask I see the light in his face dim and I immediately regret asking my question. "You don't have to answer–"

"It's... fine."


The car comes to a halt and his driver steps outside to open the door for me. I exit the car and wait for Ryder. We're outside of one of the city's fanciest hotels, the two double doors in front of us covered are in fancy decor with a sign to the right giving information on the event.

More luxurious cars drop other important figures off and a doorman opens the two doors for us. I nod and give him a soft smile with Ryder walking by my side. As we step inside the hotel the luxurious scent hits me, wafting through my nose. Right above us is a chandelier with a million pieces of glass hanging from it, making the room shimmer. Around us are many abstract paintings, vases, and fancy decor, all of them looking like they were taken straight from a museum.

"Wow." I say in awe. This isn't even where the event is held. I've been to this hotel many times yet I've never seen it this dressed up.

"The event is this way." "Oh! right." I whirl around, turning away from the fancy decorations and follow Ryder to wherever he's going. We walk through a couple halls, while on our way a couple people greet Ryder and myself. I'm assuming they have some kind of connection with his father.

As we walk through one long corridor there's an abnormally large double door and a rug leading up to that door.

As we walk I trip over the rug and Ryder's arms steady me before I can even have the chance to fall to the ground.

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