Chapter 2: Get Pranked!!!

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"What's the plan?" My brother said still trying to cover his sadness he brought upon himself unintentionally. Indeed, Connor Stoll uses big words. How rare. "I remember what we did to phoebe once.. We could do that to one of their books! Though they'll murder us if we ruin the one thing they care about most." I tried to think of another plan. But no luck. What else does the Athena's kids care about? "Wait! Connor, We can't damage their books... But we could give them a book." Travis interrupted my thinking "So what, we're going to take some random persons book and pour centaur blood on it and when they come to grab the book they get burned?" I blurted out "Exactly! That's what we'll do. Who else has books though?" 

I mean, Apollo is also the god of poetry so most likely the Apollo kids will have books right? "Apollo" I responded. I got up from the stairs. Travis looked confused why i said Apollo but just went along with it. 

We walked to the Apollo cabin and saw people whispering to each other at one point I heard someone mumble 'did you hear about the son of Athena he-' then got I couldn't hear them any more since I walked away towards the Apollo cabin "what were those people whispering about?"

"No clue, I mean I did hear something about the son of Athena but then couldn't hear whoever said that" I didn't know what they would be talking about. Though, Probably something that a quest he was chosen to go on or him beating Annabeth in a game or challenge like family feud. 

We knocked on the door to the Apollo cabin then tried to open it, locked. Of course us being good lock pickers we got out our little tool we use to pick the lock then we heard the door unlock and there behold, stood I front of me was a tall (taller than me) blond boy. Will Solace and beside him was his boyfriend Nico Di Angelo. One of the only people I get along with. (I was Nico's first friend at camp) I quickly put my tool back in my pocket. "Hey Stolls?" Will said looking back at Nico who was leaning on the door frame waving. Will puts his hand around Nico's waist.

 "Hey Nico! Best friend am I right? I mean I was your first friend at camp! And the one and only Will Solace! The medic of our camp. We need a favor" I said. Will face planted we explained the plan 

Will gave us a look like he was considering helping us. "You know what, I don't get paid for healing people. To add on Annabeth owes me so much money for healing her. She's probably in debt right now including someone I know" he glanced at Nico who gave him two different looks. At first a look of why the fuck are you helping the stoll brothers and a the other he looked proud "you get to spend more time with me. Be happy asshole" Nico laughed. Will kissed Nico on the cheek making Nico go red. 

Will gave us two books (one for Annabeth and her brother, I believe him name is Malcolm? He was a tall blonde boy who liked reading. He hates us for the pranks we do to him.) that the four we knew would interest them. The encyclopedia of the Vikings (obviously for Annabeth because her cousin is Magnus chase, son of Frey) and another book called the 'encyclopedia of the ancient Greeks' we thanked them and left. I kept thinking about the whispers people were saying. We found Malcolm and Annabeth on a log. Malcolm reading and Annabeth writing something down. We  went up to them and handed them the books

"Hey! Annabeth! And hello Annabeth's broth-" Travis was interpreted by Malcolm. "Malcolm" his tone was serious. I'm guessing he hated when he was called "Annabeth's brother". "Oh, sorry! Well, we are sorry for the pranks we constantly play on you two so we decided to give you guys a present! Books!" Travis attempted to finish what he was going to say before getting cut off by Malcolm. "Uhm, how nice of you two?" Annabeth said glancing at Malcolm who shrugged and went back to reading. Annabeth grabbed her book (we decided to put the centaur blood in only one book since there wouldn't be enough for two books and just give the other book as an actual present" 

"This better not be one of your pranks where you have fake spiders in the book" if looks can kill then the look Annabeth gave us would have send us straight to the underworld. "Yeah, No! No spiders here!" I said. Annabeth opened the cover of the book and didn't look down because she was skeptical and looked at us confused. If she would have looked at the book she would have seen the centaur blood and deer fly hit the blood thus burned her hand in the process "Ouch! Fuck!" She screamed getting her brothers attention 

"Holy shit Annabeth!" He grabbed her hand. "I doesn't look to bad, you should be fine." He looked at the blood and looked at us who was slowly exiting the crime scene we did a guilty laughed Malcolm didn't look amused "Centaur Blood? Really?" He rolled his eyes. "Sorry!" I said 

"Just help me get her to the infirmary." Malcolm told us.

We brought her to the infirmary where she got her hand treated. Me, Travis and Malcolm sat out the door waiting till Austin came out to say she was okay. "Can't believe im saying this but, I won't tell Chiron nor Mr. D. The act you did was childish and foolish. You're lucky she wasn't injured badly" Malcolm ended out awkward of silence "huh? Why?" Travis asked I nudged him in case Malcolm changes his mind out telling Chiron or Mr. D "Because Annabeth wasn't hurt badly. If it was a serious issue then we would have to tell them but I see no reason to tell them." He responded 

"Oh, well, thank you I guess" i smiled 

I'm hungry and haven't aten. Enjoy this chapter! I have an idea of the next chapter, it just needs more planing that's why it ended like this. And I'm so sorry for the wait! Writers block!

Goodnight/good morning to you! 


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