Chapter 8: A new bonding?

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I laid on my bed lost in my thoughts, noticed that Malcolm had taken a liking to Connor.Over the course of the last few weeks they had spent their time together pretty often. Percy opened the door out of nowhere and held out a bag of blue candy and sweets. "Wise girl, look what my mom sent me!" He said happily. "Annabeth, Are you doing good? You look stressed or worried." his smile faded. "Yes, No worries Seaweed brain. I'm just thinking about my brother and stuff" 

"Is he alright? Did something happen?" Concern filled his mind "Not exactly. Just that Malcolm had been spending his free time with one of the stoll brothers" i explained 

"Which stoll?" he asked munching on blue jelly bean.

 "Connor, the younger brother" I said digging my hand in for some candy.

"Oh, that's not so bad. If i'm going to be honest, Connor isn't so bad he's just obedient to his brother's pranks and stuff. he's alright with Malcolm. i'm sure he wouldn't hurt him or anything" Percy stuffed his face with more jelly beans.

"I'm just not sure why he was friends with a stoll kid, Me and a few other of my siblings are telling him to be careful" I cuddled in percy's arms with the blue candy in my hands.

"The same siblings that told us not to date? Yet,  we had Malcolm's approval and support. He's a good brother, Maybe you should give that approval and support back."

"Thats different, this is friendship we're talking about not a relationship, Percy. Connor may be a bad influence on Malcolm though."

"I'm a bad influence. and whether or not they're dating it shouldn't matter. And your brother is gay right? Maybe he does want something more with Connor, like a relationship. They would be cute together. And this is probably what your sibling had thought when we started dating. You did say they were concerned about you," He wrapped his arms around me tighter "Just let them be for a while and see where it leads to. If it seems like Connor is manipulating or harming Malcolm then you should say something. Plus, when have you seen Malcolm this happy since the exposure of his sexuality? He's only been this happy with Connor." Percy planted a sweet kiss on my cheek

"Alright, I'll lay it off them. And I'll actually try and be respectful to Connor"

🧠~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Later that day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~🃏

(Still wise girl y'all)

Percy left my cabin earlier promising to come back later, i decided to wait for him. I grabbed a script written in ancient greek. The tale was about Narcissus, The one who feel in love with himself after admiring himself through his reflection in the water. I've read the tale many times but it's a classic and very interesting. I prefer classical literature while my brother Malcolm prefers horror, murder and thriller. 

I sat outside my cabin. I knew Malcolm was in the cabin with Connor and didn't want to be distrusting them. Percy game back and greeted me. "Why don't we go inside, Wise girl?" i shook my head. "Malcolm has company, specifically, Connor fucking stoll" i didn't intend it to seem as mean as it did.

"okay then, uh" he stiffened and sat next to me "what'cha reading?" 


"sounds like narcissistic?"

"that's who the word is based on. The guy who fell in love with his own reflection"

"Oh him!"

we chatted back and fourth about anything we could. Till i heard a bang and laughing, i couldn't identify what it was but knew it was in the cabin. I didn't want to assume they broke something but i needed to go check if they were alright. I opened the cabin door and saw the two boys on the floor on top of each other giggling and laughing. Malcolm looks up to see me "Annabeth?" he questioned. In embarrassment (i think?) Connor quickly separated from Malcolm, blushing from what i thought to be embarrassment. 

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