Chapter 9

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I'm so clumsyyy ugh! I like wrote half of chapter 9 yesterday, and I guess I forgot to click the save button .-. 

I swear I did, but obviously I didn't because nothing has been saved! )':

Oh well, sorry for the delay guys!

Okay, so you could say I really really really really LOVE animals, and I brought in the animal shelter to teach some of you a few things. Read and learn carefully, young grasshopper. ADOPT A PET TODAY!

AND OMG I FORGOT TO TELL YOU GUYS WHAT KINA'S LAST NAME FOR THE PAST 8 CHAPTERS WHAT THE HELL. Well, her last name is Lufkin (luff-kin). Yeah, I don't know. Well, my sister had this random singer with the last name Lufkin in our music playlist. I thought it was a nice and unique last name, so I thought I'd use it! I've also put it in the table of contents, so new readers know! (:

I hope you enjoy the chapter. and I will remind you AGAIN, the next few chapters will not be very romantic. BUT I PROMISE YOU THERE WILL BE LATER. I KNOW IT FEELS LIKE THIS ISN'T EVEN A FANFIC ANYMORE BUT IT IS, I PROMISE THIS IS JUST EXTRA STUFF OKAII



♥ This chapter is dedicated to my two best 1D buddies in the whole wide world! ♥ 

Treshia and Alecx 


Chapter 9


I quickly walked away from Niall, and he continued on his search. It felt like I was a directioner, and not Kina. This is what it feels like. I felt a pang of jealousy.

Why though? I AM Kina.

Wow, I sound greedy. 

Well, maybe this is what the directioners felt. They felt this jealousy.

Maybe that's why they acted the way they did. That's why they said those things. I understand now! 

I continued down the road that would lead me to the animal shelter. 

Then, I remembered my dog. Marley. I got him when I was about 10 years old. Marley was a German Shepherd, a white one! They're actually not too common, but it was love at first sight when we found him at the shelter. He was my first dog, and I adopted him from the animal shelter. He was the best dog there ever was! 

Marley would cuddle up with me at night, and would follow me around everywhere! At first, we had trouble with him always following me to school. We fixed that by getting a dog kennel for him.

It was HUGE! It was great for sunny, hot days because it was basically a fenced in area with a roof, so it was nice and cool in there. 

He was the smartest, he knew all sorts of tricks, you name it!

I think he was a guide dog before, he'd get stuff when we'd ask for it. For example, if I asked Marley for my math textbook, he'd get it! Pretty amazing.

Marley spend a good 5 years with us, and then he passed away.

The thing is, when we adopted him, Marley was already 10 years old! It was a really hard thing to go through, losing someone you love.

I believe that pets are more than just a companion, they're FAMILY.

Everything in my life crashed and burned the following years after. 

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