Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"The lion killed the last unicorn of earth..."

I jumped up and down. Danced like an idiot! Fell to the floor, gasping for air. "Whatcha doing?" says a familar voice. I looked up and saw Harry. "Oh...Well, something nice happened to me just recently...Wait- Aren't you going to be late?" I said. "Haha, who cares. I just wanted to visit you, see how you were doing. Didn't Niall come?" says Harry. "Ah, okay then...Thanks for coming! And yes, Niall did visit me." I said happily. 

He gave me a smirk. "Ooooo. Did you guys do something?" he says. I rolled my eyes, but he was right. "Ah, it was a kiss, wasn't it?" he asked. I looked down, and nodded. It's embarrassing, but it's the truth, and it made me happy. Oh, so very happy. "Haha, aww. You guys are cute. I'll get a girlfriend too, sooner or later." says Harry. "Aw. Thanks! And, I'm sure you will! You're very good looking." I said. He smiled. 

"Thanks! So, you guys are a couple now, right? We should celebrate!" suggests Harry. Couple, hm? He didn't ask me to be his girlfriend...Guess not? 

"Well, he didn't really ask me to be his girlfriend.." I said in a tiny voice. Harry's eyes widened. "Whaat?! That punk! I'll go talk to him at work! I'LL TALK TO HIM ALRIGHT. See you later!" shouts Harry as he runs out of the room. It was okay though, even if he didn't ask me out. That kiss alone was enough to make me the happiest girl alive. 

Then, I saw Doctor Denroi (AKA Lizzy), walk in. "Those boys really care about you. They really do. That cute irish boy even payed your expensive hospital bills!" she said. He payed for me? Oh...I really owe a lot to him... He's so kind. I'm the luckiest girl alive! I MUST BE! 

"Oh wow! I need to give him a huge thanks later, then." I replied. "Haha, okay. We need to run some tests for you, and give you some medication to help boost your amount of blood faster." says Lizzy happily. She gives me some pretty, see-through, blue pills and a cup of water. I dropped 2 pills in my mouth, as she directed, and drank water.  The pills were a bit hard to swallow... I swear, one almost got stuck in my throat. 

She took out some of my blood with a needle and said, "I know you've already lost a lot of blood. I just need to test it..." 

I smiled and nodded. As Doctor Denroi was "doing her magic", I asked, "Hey Lizzy... When can I get out of the hospital?"

"Well, 1 or 2 more days. You're still not strong enough to be out there. You should rest a day at home, too. After that, knock yourself out with parties-or whatever you teenagers do these days." she answers. "Aw, I wish I could get out sooner. I want to hang out with the boys. It's really fun." I said. "Oh, don't worry. 1 or 2 more days fly fast if you are occupied with doing things." she says.

But...All I do is go to the washroom, sleep, eat, and talk. What else am I supposed to do? I'm terrible at art, so that won't be any fun. 

"Doctor..What do you mean? I don't do much around here." I asked. "You are now! You're going to therapy. You aren't very strong with your arms and legs, are you now? Especially your arms! I mean, don't you remember how badly damaged your arms were? You need to do some exercises to get strong again. In fact, you're heading down to the therapy room in 10 minutes." says Doctor Denroi.

"Ah, I understand." I say.

Niall's P.O.V

A few minutes ago, Harry came in yelling at me about how I didn't ask Kina out after I kissed her... Well, it's not all that easy, you know... I already felt really embarrassed, but REALLY happy. 

"Hey Lou," I start. "Want to eat at Nandos?" I ask.

"If there's one around here, sure." replied Louis. "How about you, Harry?" I ask. "I've got no problem with it." answers Harry. "Liam, Zayn?" I ask.

"Okay." says Liam. "I'm hungry, and I don't care where we go!" shouts Zayn.

"Then, It's decided." I said. We all walk downstairs to the van. I ask Christopher, our driver, to drive us to Nandos. He gives me a thumbs up and we drive away. I sit there thinking about Kina. I really wanted to see her. Suddenly, Harry whispered into my ear. "Are you thinking about Kina? How about you visit her after we eat?" 

I hesitated for a moment, but I knew that I wanted to see her. "Sure." I said. I'll buy roses for her. 

I was very full after eating Nandos, since I ordered a lot. "You should eat less..." says Liam. "Yeah, like way less." says Zayn. "Kina won't want a chubby Niall, would she now?" jokes Harry. We all laugh. "I exercise." I said as we stepped into the van. As I opened my mouth to tell Christopher where we were heading next, I remembered that I needed to buy roses. "Oh-wait a sec." I say.

I open the van door and ran to the flower shop near by. The scents filled my nostrils, as I breathed the nice air in. "Hello," I began. "May I please have some red roses?" I ask. She was typing something on her laptop, looking very bored. "Yeah, sure-" she said in a boring voice. Her expression lit up when she looked up at me.

"YOU'RE-" she says as I cut her off. "Yes, Niall. Niall Horan from One Direction. Please don't make a big fuss, I don't want to be noticed." I said. "Oh yes, of course." she says. The lady walks to the back room and comes out with 5, perfectly red roses. "Here, You can have them for free! It's such an honour to see you in person!" She says, almost shouting. 

I smile and wave goodbye. I knew that I should leave quickly because she might want to start a conversation... We don't have much more time for our lunch break, so I really needed to hurry up. I ran to the black van where Christopher and my bandmates waited.

"Oooo," I heard as I sat in my seat. "Is that for Kina?" asks Harry. "Yeah..." I say. They all give me a smile and a thumbs up. 

Back to Kina!

The therapy was really weird. I had to do some stretches, run on the spot, move my arm up and down, etc. Moving my arm kind of hurt because of my cuts, but it's helping me. 

Later, I lay back down in my bed, thinking about Niall. Almost every single moment, I was thinking about Niall. Then, he actually appeared. My eyes widened. "Are you a figment of my imagination?!" I ask. Niall laughs so hard, he falls to the ground. "No! Haha, what made you think that?" he asks. "Well, I've been thinking about you a lot lately..." I replied. 

Niall walks up to me with a cute smile. I suddenly feel my heart beat faster and faster. I couldn't look straight into his eyes. He gives me a sudden hug, and asks, "I love you, Will you be my girlfriend?" 

I screamed and said yes. He smiled and gave me roses. "Aww, Niall, you're too sweet." I say. "Haha, too sweet for you?" He asks.

"No, 'too sweet' is good." I say. He leans in for a kiss. Before he could touch my lips, I saw Harry peeking at the door. I laugh and he immediately notices that I saw him, and hides again. "What?" asks Niall.

"Haha, it's nothing." I said.

I actually stayed in the hospital for 3 more days. My therapist, Sera, told me I still need some more exercises to get me in good shape. 

After that, Niall picked me up and we went back to the hotel. I really missed it there. Then, Louis suggested we should celebrate at a bar. 

"I'm only 16, you know? I'm underage." I say. Tsk tsk. I hear from Harry. "Dear, don't you remember you're with ONE DIRECTION? I bet we can get you through." he says. I laugh and say, "Well, I suppose I could give it a try. I won't get drunk though!" I said.

I was wrong. We got there, and I immediately got drunk from drinking only 2 cups! I didn't remember anything, it's all a blur. But, Niall told me this:

My emotion constantly changed.

When I was happy I said things like, "WOOOOOOOO! GIMME ANOTHER CUP."

When I was mad I said things like, "Bitch, buy me a kitty, NOW!!"

When I was sad I said things like, "The lion killed the last unicorn on earth..."

I cried, I laughed, I yelled... a lot. The boys didn't get drunk so they could make sure I didn't do anything crazy, but they also wanted to watch me for laughs.

It's so embarrassing that they saw me drunk, but having fun is all that counts!

It Started With a Wave And a Smile ♥Where stories live. Discover now