Chapter 3

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Okay maybe I went a bit too far with the stabbing her arm part .-. sorry. It's so weird >.<

Chapter 3

I love him.

I lay on the ground, in my pool of blood. My clothes are stained red. I want to kill myself. The tweets hurt more than my actual wounds. I stabbed my arms several more times, and sqeaked in pain. What's wrong with me? Niall will never like me. I'M A FREAK. I'm so sensitive. I WANT TO DIE! 

I sit there crying and stabbing my arms. Knock Knock I heard. "Anyone using the stall?" says a voice. My stall was locked, or at least it seemed so. The stall door swung open, revealing a bloody mess. She screamed and ran out of the restroom. Fuck, I'm not dead yet. I need to hide I can bleed to death. I stood up slowly and ran out of McDonalds. I left a trail of blood behind me. I had an idea. I would run into Kimberly Park, a park with many trees, bushes, and hiding places. 

By running over the grass, It will hide most of my blood...Then, I'll hide until death finally comes for me. I began walking slower and slower. I suddenly collapsed, but had my arms supporting me. I felt so weak. Just a little more...I need to get to the park. I crawled with all my strength. My head was driving me crazy. Of course I would feel this way. I stabbed and cut my arm so many times. I'm losing too much blood. 

I believed that this was the end. My eyes would no longer open when I wanted to. My arms and legs became too weak. I loved you, Niall. 

As I thought that in my mind, I heard his voice. Niall's voice. "KINA!" he said. I couldn't see, but I could hear. "CALL 9-11!" screams Harry. "I'll call right away!" says the driver. "W-what...happened to her..?" said Louis. "Look...Blood is dripping from her arms." says Liam. I felt someone roll up my sleeves, finding my wounds. "Cuts..." said Zayn. "The fans...She probably read what they said." said Liam. "She's had a hard enough life already! Why do they have to act so rude towards her?" says Niall. 

I could hear them all sigh. "This is my fault." said Niall as I heard him begin to tear up. I felt his tears on my hand. It's not your fault! I screamed in my head. My mouth...It wouldn't let me say anything. "Niall...Don't be too hard on yourself. It's NOT your fault. Eleanor and Danielle had to go through really tough times as well...We all knew it wouldn't be any easier for Kina." said Louis. 

I heard Niall begin saying something, but I couldn't hear anymore. The sound was very faint, and became nothing soon after. I fell unconsicous. Later, I heard the siren of an ambulance. I still couldn't see anything or move. Suddenly, everything became bright. I slowly opened my eyes. I saw that everyone had fallen asleep. Niall left his head resting on the side of the bed.  

The doctor came in a few minutes later. "Hello, Kina. My name is Doctor Denroi. You can call me Lizzy. How are you feeling?" she said. "I'm fine..." I replied in a tiny voice. "Kina, these 5 wonderful boys told me about your story. Do not let those fans bother you. Stay strong, be yourself, and you can pull through." said Doctor Denroi. "Doctor Denroi-" I said as I was cut off by Doctor Denroi.

"Please, call me Lizzy." insisted Lizzy. "Lizzy," I continued. "I don't know what got into me..I..I felt so...terrible. I just wanted to kill myself. I didn't know how to escape the feeling..Thanks for the advice." I said. "Please don't hurt yourself, Kina. You're still young, and you need to live your life! There are so many things you will miss if you end your life! If you ever feel alone, and want to talk girl to girl..Please call me, here's my number. I'm available at 3PM for 30 minutes and completely free after 10PM." said Lizzy.

"Lizzy...Thank much. I really feel better." I said happily. She smiled and left the room. What did they do to my wounds? They stitched it up. Wait...didn't I lose a bunch of blood? Like...way too much? Right after I had thought that in my head, Lizzy popped up again at the door. "Oh and..." she said. "That blonde hair boy donated his blood to you. He shares the same type of blood as you." says Lizzy and gives me a smirk

I didn't deserve to even know Niall... He's... so sweet. I then play around with his hair. He makes annoyed faces in his sleep, and I laugh. Suddenly, he wakes up. "Sorry, did I wake you?" I asked. He shook his head, with a frown. "Kina, you worried me so much! Please, don't do that again! I don't know what I would do if you died..." he said. "I'm so sorry...I didn't know why I did this." I said. 

"And, I heard from Doctor Denroi... You donated your blood... Thanks, Niall." I said shyly. He smiled and grabbed my hand. "Don't let me lose you..ever!" said Niall. He squeezed my hand tightly. "Okay. I promise you." I said. I stared deep into his beautiful eyes, and he stared at me. It seemed like he was leaning in to kiss me when he was interrupted by Harry.

"Ooooo." he says. Niall stares at him with an "why the hell did you interrupt me?!" expression. The others wake up because of Harry speaking loudly. They ask me if I was feeling fine now, and I said yes. We chatted for awhile longer. "Visiting hours are over, boys." says Doctor Denroi as she suddenly enters the room.

"Oh, okay...Good bye, Kina! We'll visit you tomorrow." says Niall. They all waved good bye and left the room. It was already 10PM. Lizzy was packing up as well. Nurses stayed behind to watch over me. I felt so alone that night... I wish that they could of stayed with me. 

"Hey bitch. Let's give you some about it? Oh...if this one is used too much, you'll die. HAHAHAHA. Let's inject her with a hundred. We won't let you stay with the boys. GO TO HELL!" says the nurses. "NO! NO! HELP ME, NIALL! SAVE ME!" I screamed in fear. They injected me with a bunch of shots...I felt dizzy. Why did I have to be left alone in this hospital? I'll never see Niall again..

Suddenly, I feel a warm hand holding mine. "Kina, I'm here." says the voice. I wake up, and there he is! Phew, it was only a dream... 

"Did you have some sort of scary dream?" asked Niall as he laughed. He came alone, and it was only 7AM in the morning. "The rest of the boys can't come, they want to sleep." explains Niall. "Ah. I see. It's fine. And yes, I did have a terrible dream...the nurses were injecting me with some sort of medicine..they said that it would kill me if they used too much. So, they did..." I replied.

"Oh, a nurse was injecting you with medicine earlier." he said. My mouth dropped open. "Haha, don't worry. The real nurses are nice. You just had an awful dream, don't worry." he said. I felt relieved. We chatted for another hour, until 9. He had to leave for work. "Bye!" I said. "Wait." he said. I looked at him with a confused expression. What did he need? 

He came towards me, and kissed me quickly. I stood there, frozen. Shocked. Exploding with happiness. He laughed and waved goodbye. 

Oh, I love him so much 

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