Can you stay?.. part 4

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Erica's POV-

"As beautiful as always!" Ben praised.

Aww did he just call me beautiful?'
I'm so lucky to have him, he's so sweet!

I blushed. "I know I look beautiful."

He came over and kissed me. I still get sparks from those kisses. They just light up my day so quickly!

"You know your worth, that's a reason I love you." Ben said.

I blushed again. Come on your ERICA HALE, stop doing that!

"Okay, you ready for breakfast?" Ben asked.

I nodded. He offered his hand and I took it. We walked out and started for the Mess Hall.

(Time skip because why not)

We were talking with the gang, just being random when the intercom came on.

"Dang it man! Why does that Ripley always get the activations?! He doesn't- oh uh hi!" The principal said over the intercom, Ben already packing up and walking towards the Nathan Hale Administration building, "'May Erica Hale and Benjamin Ripley come to my office?"

Me and Ben shared a glance, we were both thinking the same thing- uh oh.

I packed my bags and ran after him to catch up. I grabbed his hand and just walked with him. He stared affectionately into my eyes and smiled. I blushed and mentally slapped myself in the face.

(Btw there might be a bit of strong vocabulary through this series)

'Damn it Erica, you suck at this relationship thing'

We were walking up the stairs when I saw Mom and Dad (Catherine and Alexander) in the window. Ben's face lit up as he saw Catherine, because you know, mom is literally a super-cool-spy-mom to Ben.

I heard Catherine squeal in excitement and point to us. She was the biggest fan of our 'relationship'. She called us "Berica"... Ewww! And she would always boat us or something- I don't know something's to do with boats or ships.

Alexander saw us and pumped his fist in the air in triumph. He had a 'I knew it' look in his face.

We opened the principals office door- well not really opened, more like walked in(his office is still kind of blown up by Ben's mortar).

"CATHERINE!" Ben cried, running over to her arms open for a hug. I just walked in with a light smile on my face.

"Hi mom, hi dad!" I said.

Ben and Catherine were still hugging and laughing. "I'm so glad to see you miss Hale!" Ben praised. "Benjamin, drop the formality, you can call me Cat!". Ben let go and turned to my dad.

"Alexander!" Ben said in a singy-songy-voice. "How you doin' little man?" My das asked, already doing there handshake. I walked up to my mom and gave her a hug, my dad just a fist bump.

"Alright alright! Enough of the reunion!" The principal said, handing us the folders "you guys are being
activated to Hawaii!"

I know this is a short one but tell me what you think! Do you want the mission or just more one-shots? Idc whatever you guys like!
Word count-518

-agent Zaya

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