Can you stay..? Pt.7

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WHAT THE TOODLE WOODLE CRAP IS GOING ON HERE? Y'all need to explain why EACH TIME A UPDATE I GET 2x the the amount of views I got post- update?!

Also READERS GO FOLLOW Berica4ever22 because I have no idea how she does it but she helped TREMENDOUSLY on the plot and this story, also I love her work and TikTok!

Ben's pov

We arrived at the airport in 32 minutes and 47.3 seconds. I was hella tired but hella excited. When we got through security (somehow, Erica snuck in a bunch of weapons and didn't get caught), Catherine announced our setting arrangements.
"I pulled a few strings and got a amazing jet that has 4 bedrooms, a living room, and a bathroom. So each one of you will have a room buddy!"

Cyrus looked not happy about this and asked who were they.

"Ah yes! Mike and Trix will be together, Chip and Jawa, Cyrus and Alex, and Ben and Erica!" She explained then pointed to me, Erica, Trixie, and Mike "No grandchildren yet lovebirds!"

"MUMMMM" Trixie and Erica shrieked at the same time. Me and Mike just turned beet-red.


I put my bag down in our room when I heard someone open the door. I was instantly hit with that intoxicating lilac and gunpowder smell.

"Hi babe!" I greeted.

"Hey you." She said, sounding a bit off and laying on the bed. I looked into her eyes and saw something I've never seen before.


"Is the great Erica Hale tired?" I teased. That got me a whack in the back of the head.

"Kind of- but don't tell mom! She will get worried." She growled, punching me in the arm.

"I wasn't planning on telling her anyways," I said softly and laid down next to her.

"Хороший" she said. I picked it up as her saying 'okay' in russian.

Then she kissed me, and I kissed back. This lasted a while.. a long while....... Let's just say it was very intense kissing.

**time skip again because I'm that powerful**

I woke up and noticed it was nighttime and checked my phone to see how far we are in the flight.

ONLY HALF WAY?! My goodness!

I then noticed I was shirtless........ and Erica was curled up next to me..... with only a bra and shorts on. (PLEASEEEE HAVE MERCY IT WAS JUST MAKING OUT)

Cyrus is gonna kill me.

But I didn't worry to much, and started carefully playing with her hair. I could tell she was awake and faking her sleep, but I just played on.

I learned from my sister Ashley (thanks Quidditch16 ) on how to braid, so I just put two tiny ones on each side of her hair. I saw a faint smile pray across her lips and all I did was smile.

About five minutes later Erica got out of bed and looked mortified. She quickly put on her spy-uniform thingy and tossed me a shirt.

"What's going on?" I said, while putting it on.

"Mom has cameras in here. I just spotted one over the TV" she whispered, pointing to the TV.

Right then Catherine bursted in the door.

"How sneaky children!" She shrieked.

Me and Erica just sat there blushing.

"Okay when is the wedding? Can I be your bridesmaid?! I know Trixie will be the maid of honor but still!"

"Mom! We aren't getting married!" Erica yelled.

"Yet.." Catherine said with a smirk and returned to the cockpit.

I turned to Erica and kissed her on the forehead.

Then we heard a knock on the door.

"I'll answer it." I said.

But before I got to the door, it was already opened, with Trixie in the door frame.

"Ben!" Trixie greeted.

"Hey Trix." I replied.

Trixie looked behind me. "Hi sis!"


"Anyways, would you like to come play T or D with me, snuggle bunny, Chip, and Jawa?" She asked. We both cringed at this.

"Never call Mike that again!" I cringed.

Me and Erica walked out of the room heading to the meeting place of our game. But Trixie grabbed my hand and stopped me.

"You go ahead Erica, I need to talk to Ben." Trixie said.

Erica gave a icy glare with a hint to jealousy and walked off, while Trixie pulled me into her and mikes room.

Erica's POV-

What the HELL! Ben literally walked off with MY SISTER!! DUDE! I started to get jealous..... is he....... cheating?

Alright yall well that's a wrap! 3-5 more parts to go! Thank you all, love y'all!

-Agent Zaya

Word count-768

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