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(I will be continuing the can you stay series soon. I just wanted to mix it up)

Bens POV:

Today was the day.

Erica was turning 17.

It had been about a year since we first started dating and it has gone pretty well. Yes, Erica is still a little distant and cold, but you will never get rid of that from Erica. The way she's around me or Catherine is the closest you can get to her being a normal girl.

She's surprisingly touchy though. She will ask me how my day was after classes by giving my a kiss or running her fingers through my hair. I think it's hot, but that might just be me.

I've figured out that she digs sunsets. It's her favorite thing to unwind.

But back to the point, I'm planning to have the best day with Erica that she has ever experienced.

I got on my baggy sweatpants and black tank top that Erica likes, and grabbed gift #1.

The gift consisted of a candle that was the same scent of my cologne; therefore, she always has a reminder of me, a promise ring, and matching pajamas for Erica, me, and a dog. Around the pajamas for the puppy was a collar, reading 'Delilah'.

Erica has always wanted another companion that she knew wouldn't betray her. That's where Delilah came in. A beautiful German Shepherd puppy that was a runt, so she wouldn't grow too big.

I grabbed the gift box and knocked on Erica's door. She pulled me in dramatically and the temperature instantly got colder. I think it was because of her ice blue eyes on my brown eyes.

"Good afternoon to you too," I tease her.

She hates when I tease her, but I love it. She always gets so mad, and when she's mad she demands cuddles. It's a win-win.

"What do you want Ben?" Erica says annoyed, like she doesn't even know what day it is today.

Wait... does she even know what day it is today?

Her eyes glance down at the box and back to me.

"You need me to help with your bomb homework again?" She asked like I was a burden.

"No, I came to give you your birthday present!" I gave her a kiss on the cheek.

She brought me into her room. "Thank you.. I completely forgot my birthday." She confirmed.

I knew she forgot.

She started to open the present and found the candle, giving it a sniff and smiling.

"It smells like you," She whispered innocently.

I smiled and nodded. Erica put the candle on her bedside table and carefully lit the candle. She grabbed out the promise ring. It was a sapphire blue ring that almost matched her eyes. She put it on and hugged me.

"Thanks you Ben!"

I smiled and pointed to the box, subtly telling her there was more. She grabbed out the PJs and dog collar.

"Delilah?" She questioned.

I nodded and grabbed her hand, "bring it to my room,"

I led her to my room and opened the door, Delilah wagging her tail and going up for pets. She clearly liked Erica.

Erica sat down and pet Delilah.

"She's perfect" I heard Erica cry.


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