Chapter 1- Part 1: Welcome To Jade Mountain Academy

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"Teardrop! Fly faster! You're going to be late!" My father shouted from in front. He soared down closer to the ever-so-intimidating Jade Mountain.

I was always a timid and independent dragon growing up and that's how I learned to depend on myself rather than others. As I soared down towards the mountain I could see dragons of all different colors, ranging from pink to green, and many others. We landed on a small cliff that overlooked all of the new students and parents saying goodbye.

"Okay, Teardrop. Remember to make some friends and stay out of trouble." My father said, lighting up his bioluminescent scales. "I love you very much my little jellyfish. Have a great year at school!"

"Bye, father." I mumbled. He embraced me in a big hug and then gasped.

"It's the royal SeaWings!" he exclaimed, letting go of me and turning to face his queen.

"Who are those hybrids she's with?" I asked, admiring the beautiful white and blue dragons.

"Not sure. Bye!" he said before he flew off to head back to our home.

I flew down to where some dragons were gathered and I broke into a dive midair and landed softly. I glanced over my shoulder and my eyes locked onto the SeaWing prince's green eyes. I blushed and looked away as fast as I could. He seems nice. I told myself. I should get to know him. I started to walk towards the entrance when I was stopped by a very energetic and bubbly NightWing.

"HELLO! Let me guess...your...hmmm...Teardrop? Aren't you?" she asked, a big smile on her face. 

"Um yes that's me" I whispered, staring down at the ground

"I'm mysteriously good at guessing. Kinda like I'm reading your mind. Eh?" she joked. "Just kidding! Maybeee..."

"Oh ok!" I said, giggling a little bit.

"I'm Fatespeaker! I'm not a teacher or anything. I'm just here to help whenever it's needed. Here's your welcome scroll and your map." she said, handing me two scrolls tied off with a gold ribbon. 

We walked through the large opening and I gasped at the size of the vast cave. I couldn't ever form words.

"Welcome to Jade Mountain Academy! Here is the great hall! Want to meet some of your fellow classmates?" she said. I shook my head, I had a little bit of social anxiety.

{WC: 441}

Hello, my fellow readers! Here's the first chapter for you guys! I did take a look at @The_FanWing's book WSS for some inspiration on how to write based on a book and it really helped. go follow her she's my bestie and she's not underrated! Be sure to be on the lookout for my next chapter! Have a great day or night!!


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