Chapter 7-Part 2: Stay Safe

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{Third Person POV}

Teardrop paced back and forth through the cave hoping she would find something to do other than stay in the cave for her whole life. Her father Coho hated her and didn't care about her like her Mother did. Starcharter was the best Mother. But she was killed by the SeaWings. 

"Teardrop! I'm going to take a quick nap so don't do anything stupid!" Coho hissed from in the other part of the cave where the two of them would sleep.

☆○o。 。o○☆

Teardrop waited until her father was fast asleep before she planned her escape. No more keeping me in this stupid cave!  Teardrop thought as she gathered her things. She strung the pouch full of her belongings around her torso and quietly snuck out of the cave. The night sky was as beautiful as Teardrop remembered. The ocean waves crashed against the shore and splashed Teardrop's talons.

"HALT!" a deep and booming voice roared.

Teardrop froze in pure terror. Slowly Teardrop turned around to face the dragon who roared. A SeaWing guard! I'm so dead! she thought.

"Please state your purpose for invading the SeaWing territory!" he hissed coming up to me.

"I-I don't know" Teardrop stuttered.

"We are going to be taking you to the SeaWing palace!" he roared seizing Teardrop's snout and her talons.

"LET GO OF MY DAUGHTER!" Teardrop's father roared angrily.

"Wake up Teardrop! The next class is starting!"

{First Person POV Teardrop}

I jumped off the ledge and flew down to the entrance of the library with Turtle slowly following behind me. Just as we landed Starflight quickly ran out of the room. Turtle and I followed him as he ran to the main area of the academy. There was a bright orange SkyWing with blue eyes as blue as the ocean stood.

"THE SKYWING!" a voice roared echoing through the vast cave.

"Peril! You came!" Clay said emerging from the crowd of dragons starting to form around the poor SkyWing.

"I thought I could find Scarlet, but now she's nowhere! I don't know where to look! I'm sorry Clay!" she said interlocking her talons with Clay's.

"Don't be sorry!" he said trying to calm her down. Tsunami came through the entrance with a snotty and protective look on her face.

"We don't have a group for you Peril! We had no idea you were coming. There's already a SkyWing in each winglet" she hissed.

Tsunami stormed out of the room muttering something under her breath. Winter stood up and started yelling something about Peril.

"She can't stay here! That dragon killed over twenty IceWIng prisoners!" he roared. I covered my face and my ears with my wings and shrunk down. This yelling is making me dizzy! 

Turtle shielded me with his wings and pulled me close to his body. He must know I don't like loud noises. Especially yelling

"Hey, it's ok Teardrop. They stopped yelling." Turtle whispered.

I uncovered my body and smiled. Turtle's emerald eyes were like jewels and they sparkled in the sunlight.



"Come on Winter! It's time for history!" Kinkajou squealed. I grabbed Turtle's talon and we both ran to the History cave.

{WC: 559}

Hey guys!! I'm so sorry that this chapter is so short! I am so pumped for the part where the History Cave explodes. There will be some good parts in there! Stay tuned for the next chapter!! Make sure to stay hydrated and eat some foooood! Have a great day or night!


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2023 ⏰

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