Chapter 5

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I could feel a draft coming from my right as I slowly regained consciousness. My eyes fluttered open and the medic's cave came into view. I scanned the room hoping no one was watching me as I awakened.

"Oh, Teardrop!" a familiar and small voice exclaimed. I glanced over my shoulder and saw Turtle starting to come my way.

 "H-How long have you been waiting here?" I asked still a little dizzy.

"Only about an hour. Everyone was so worried when you collapsed," he said. "Tsunami and I carried you to the medic's cave while Qibli and Skua calmed Kinkajou down."

"Thank you Turtle," I said. I could feel my cheeks burning.

"It's lunchtime! We better head off to the cafeteria!" Turtle yelled as he ran out of the cave.

I got up out of the triangular bed and walked to the cafeteria. Dragons of all different colors and sizes piled out of the caves and headed down to the cafeteria. As I walked through the entrance I was greeted by Kinkajou.

"Come over here Teardrop!" She squealed turning all different colors. I approached them slowly admiring them each one by one.

Winter gave me an icy look from across the room and continued to eat his fish. Qibli and Moon were talking and Skua was sitting next to Qibli giving Moon a sour look.

"So Qibli why did your family hate you so much?" Skua asked still glaring at Moon.

"Oh. They sort of hate everyone. It's no big deal." He responded looking down. I looked over at Moon and she looked a little dazed. 

"So can you tell us more?" Skua asked.

"I joined the Outclaws at three. The best news of my life is I'll never have to see my family again," he said with a serious look on his face.

"I'm going to the library," Moon said abruptly.

"No! We're eating together! You haven't finished your hair, smelly, carcass thing!" Kinkjou whined.

"Sure...ok," Moon said quietly sitting back down. Kinkjou turned a bright and blinding shade of pink and spread her wings wide.

"Can you tone that down, Kinkajou? It's a very exciting color that I've never seen before. But it's a little bright?" Umber said covering his eyes.

"Eyeball scorching." Qibli joked.

"It happens when I'm happy! But if you prefer something more..." she said toning it back down to a light green mixed with some yellow. "Sedate.."

"AH!" Qibli yelled covering his eyes.

"Kinkajou! Stop!" I said giggling. Winter passed us and Kinkjou squealed.


"Absolutely not!" he hissed.

"He's so tortured" Kinkajou sighed clutching her heart.

"Your a little weird" I joked

"DON'T YOU SEE THAT THIS IS THE SEAWING PRINCESS?" Someone roared from across the cave.

I turned to look and saw some SeaWings fighting about a NightWng having a fish that Princess Anemone wanted. A large MudWIng came up to us followed by a frail and nervous-looking MudWing.

"Marsh!" Umber exclaimed with a big smile on his face.

"Yep! Soras behind me." the MudWing who I assumed was named Marsh said.

Moon greeted the MudWing named Sora and offered her some goat. Clay came up to us and started to chat with the other MudWIngs.

"Who's in your winglet Sora?" Clay asked.

"Well, there's a blind RainWing who seems nice." She said before she was interrupted by Kinkjou.

"That's Tamirin! She's my best friend!" she exclaimed.

"A SandWIng named Onyx. A SkyWing with a scar across his face...That SeaWIng over by the princess...And a NightWing called Bigtail." she continued. "and that's my clawmate Icicle." I looked over and saw Winter with other IceWIngs sitting on a ledge where Sora pointed to.

"Winter's sister? Has she been mentioned for the throne?" Qibli asked.

"I-I'm going to the library anyone want to come?" I asked.

"Teardrop...I will" A nice voice said from behind me.

And when I turned around I saw:

Prince Turtle.

{WC: 656}

Hey guys! I am so sorry for the wait for this chapter! I have been super busy and I had a little bit of writer's block. I hope you guys like it!

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