Scene 11: Dragon's Edge

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No one protests patrolling the island with the giant ship providing a very real example of the consequences of neglect. Occasionally Fishlegs sees the crew maintaining the weapons and scrubbing the deck and whatnot, but they make no moves on the offensive.

Fishlegs finds it hard to believe the Dragon Hunters would just let them take Hiccup back, and even harder to think Hiccup would go without Toothless. Unsure of what to do, he'd sent a message to Astrid, assuming she'd made it to Berk. If she hadn't and the Hunters had gotten her too, Ryker probably would've bargained with her rather than Hiccup.

Fishlegs had always thought he'd be an excellent leader, but the weight of decision rests heavy on his conscience, and the enemy ship awaiting it does nothing for his nerves.

So when Astrid's reply comes, it's with relief and trepidation that Fishlegs unrolls the scrap of paper.

"Astrid says wait here, do nothing, defend the Edge and the Dragon Eye from Ryker while she takes the A team to rescue Hiccup?" Fishlegs ends the statement as a question, feeling, though he wouldn't admit it, betrayed by Astrid's choice.

"Uh, how are we supposed to defend the Edge WHILE doing nothing?" Tuffnut asks.

"And more importantly," Snotlout interrupts, "Why is Astrid taking my DAD to rescue Hiccup and not US?"

"Ew, does that mean she's taking Gustav too?" Tuffnut scrambles away from the paper as though it's a poisonous bug.

"And that scary old lady with the stick?" Snotlout practically screams.

Ruffnut throws down her helmet. "That's it, I quit. If Astrid wants that other Zippleback over us, she can have them!"

"So with you sister," Tuffnut does the same.

"Guys, you can't just quit!" Fishlegs protests.

"Just did. Shall we depart from this forsaken place, Brother Nut?"

"We shall, Sister Nut."

"Okay, if even I think you're overreacting, something's wrong," Snotlout crosses his arms.

To top it off, Barf & Belch replace the helmets on their riders' heads.

"The council has spoken," Fishlegs quips irritably, "Now can we get back to the problems at hand?"

"Your wish is our command," Tuffnut flourishes his arm, then sniggers.

Fishlegs groans, "I thought you guys were done with rhyming!"

"Ah, but you see, it's all about the timing!" Ruffnut waggles her finger patronizingly.

"Yeah, and it's definitely not right now," Snotlout glares, "and if you don't stop, I swear, I WILL turn your insides into your outsides."

"Do you think that we should tempt him, Brother?"

"I think we should save that time for another-"

Snotlout growls.

"-time," Tuffnut finishes, smiling with his hands held before him in a placating gesture.

From the ship, Ryker's horn blows, and all eyes turn to it.

"Dragon Riders!" comes the distant bellow, "What is your decision?"

"Already?" Snotlout frowns, "It's only been-"

"Five hours," Fishlegs interrupts, "plenty of time to make a decision."

"You're telling him no, right?" Tuffnut clarifies.

"I'm telling him we need more time to decide," Fishlegs corrects. "Hopefully they give it to us. And hopefully it keeps Ryker away from Hiccup long enough for Astrid to get him out of there."

"Oh, ah!" Tuffnut nods his understanding and raises his eyebrows conspiratorially.

"Ruff, Tuff, I'm putting you in charge of setting up defenses for the base," Fishlegs exhales, hoping he wasn't making a terrible mistake putting them in charge of anything. "Put together some ideas and I'll look them over when I get back."

Fishlegs leaves before he can hear Snotlout's protests or any of the twins' exclamations.

Okay, you've already done this. Shouldn't be too hard, Fishlegs tells himself as he nears the ship. Once again, only Ryker is on the deck when Fishlegs lands.

"Well?" he says immediately.

"We need more time to decide," Fishlegs says boldly. Well, he hopes it sounds bold.

Ryker narrows his eyes at him, staring at him for a long moment. Fishlegs almost cracks.

"You have until dawn." He leans in closer until he towers over Fishlegs. "But hear this now, if I don't have an answer by then, I'm coming for the Dragon Eye myself, and I won't stop until I get it. Is that clear?" he growls.

"Very clear," Fishlegs squeaks.

"Now get off my ship," Ryker snarls.

Fishlegs was all too happy to comply.

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