Chapter One

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I'm cruel. I don't know why I'm like this when I already have Andy having a tumor in another one of my stories. (Help Me)

Prompt ~ Andy has cancer but doesn't know until she gets hurt on a call.

Chapter one

Andy was sitting in the kitchen at Station 23, going over incident reports since she was now acting captain when Lieutenant Ruiz walked in.

"Still at it?' Theo asked.

"Yup. I know captains are required to do a shit ton of paperwork but I don't know why I didn't just hand this off to Maddox or you since I can't really focus." Andy told him, rubbing her forehead, feeling a headache coming on.

"I can finish it while you go get something to eat. If you want?"

Andy smiles. "That'd be great, thank you," Andy told him, handing him the tablet and papers. "But I'm not hungry. Think I'm going to go rest in my bunk." Theo looks up from the tablet.

"Cap, I haven't seen you eat a meal with us in two straight shifts now," Theo told her, concerned. "You need to eat."

"And I will," Andy told him, moving to walk to the captain's office.

"Andy," Theo called. "Please eat something."

"I told you I'm fine, Theo." Andy spat out, tired. Theo sighed and let Andy go.

As Andy was walking to the office she felt something drip from her nose and over her lips. She quickly grabbed a Kleenex box when she got to the office, took out a tissue and went to wipe it away and when she saw it was blood she panicked. Shit shit shit shit. Fuck. Andy thought. Andy grabbed a few more tissues and went to go lock the office door, making sure no one would walk in and worry about her. Andy rushed to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. She saw that blood was soaking into the tissue. Shit! What the hell is going on? Andy continued to panic for a few more minutes as the blood slowly stopped coming out of her nose.

Andy threw the used, bloody tissues into the garbage, mixing the garbage up so that they don't show in case anyone comes into the room when she was not in the office.

Andy was about to lie down, feeling fatigued when the alarms went off. She sighed and made her way out of the office, swaying and losing her balance for a second before she continued to run to the engine truck. Ruiz was in the driver's seat and looked at Andy, seeing that she was more pale than normal he got concerned.

"Andy," Theo tried to get her attention. "Andy!" Theo tried again and Andy's head snapped up.

"What?" Andy asked, looking up from the tablet.

"Are you okay?" Theo asked, noting how she continued to look off. "You look like you could pass out any second."

Andy didn't answer. Instead, she just looked out the window, trying to focus on anything other than how shitty she was feeling.

When they got to the scene she saw that station 19 was already there and sighed, knowing she would have to take orders from Beckett.

"Nice to see you, Herrera," Beckett said creepily, a sly smile on his face.

Ignoring his comment she asked, "Where do you need us, captain?"

"Ruiz and Herrera your with Hughes and Montgomery for search and rescue," Beckett said, calling over Vic and Travis. "You four are going to go in and are going to complete a primary and then secondary search. Apparently a family of five lives here. There are three floors so I want you all to search the main floor and then spilt up. Understood?"

All four say "Yes, captain." and make their way inside the house.

The group goes to check the living room and that's where they found the mom, dad and daughter.

"Okay, Ruiz, Hughes and Montgomery let's get them out," Andy ordered the group. Once they got the three family members out and to triage they ran back into the house. Hughes with Ruiz and Montgomery with Herrera.

Travis and Andy finished sweeping the kitchen and dining room, finding no one there they radioed that they would take the third floor and Hughes and Ruiz were to take the second.

Andy and Travis split up, Andy checking the bedroom while Travis checked the bathroom and closet.

"I found the daughter!" Andy radioed.

"I got the son" Travis radioed. "We're coming out now, captain." Travis let Beckett know.

Andy and Travis put their face masks over the kids' since they were coughing and as quickly as they could, got the kids down the stairs and over to triage.

"I want a secondary sweep done," Beckett told the four firefighters.

"What?" Andy asked, confused. "We were told there were five people living there. We got 5 people out."

"I think you mean to say "Yes Captain", Herrera."

"Yes, captain." Andy spit out and turned around, putting her mask back on and following the other three firefighters into a house that was quickly losing stability.

Hughes decided to split with Andy this time and when she saw that Andy was moving slowly she moved over to shake her. "Yo. Herrera. You okay?"

Andy, refusing to look weak, just nodded her head and motioned for them to continue the sweep. As they moved up the first set of stairs to the second floor Andy started to feel light-headed and her breathing became shallow and short. She tried to call out for Vic but before she could a piece of the roof collapsed and landed on her.

Vic hearing the noise, turned around and saw her friend buried underneath pieces of the roof. "ANDY!"

I don't know if this is going to be a happy ending story yet. 

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