Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

"What's going to happen next?"

"Well," 'A' shift hears Ross' voice "First of all, you wait for 'B' shift to come in and then you figure out where to go from there."

"This fucking sucks," Maya said aloud and everyone nods.

They were standing in silence for a few minutes before members from the ''B' shift come in.

"Hey, Finch. Are there any other 'B' shift guys here?" Maya asked.

"There's about five of us here so far, why?" He looked confused.

"Andy Herrera was in an accident earlier today and we found out there was more going on." Vic pauses, not wanting to say the truth aloud. "I- Uh. She's never going to be a firefighter again." Vic watched Finch's face change to shock and then concern.

"Please tell me you're kidding?"

"I wish we were, but we're not," Maya said shortly.

"Finch, just let us know when more 'B' shift members come in please," Jack asked Finch, watching him scowl at him, still not forgiving him for Rigo's death, and then nods and turns around.

"This is so screwed up," Jack spoke.

"We know. We know it is, Gibson. Listen, once 'B' shift comes you're all free to go to the hospital and I'm going to be doing the paperwork down at City Hall." Everyone nodded.

It was another several minutes before Finch came back in to let them know the rest of 'B' shift was here. 'A' shift races out of the barn and to their cars and drives the short few minutes to Grey-Sloan.

Maya, Vic and Travis ended up arriving first and run to reception.

"Hi, we're wondering where Andy Herrera is?"

"One minute," the receptionist tells them while she's on the phone, annoying the group.

The group of three hears a voice come from behind them.

"Bishop, Hughes, Montgomery." Meredith greets. "I'm guessing you're here to see Herrera?" Meredith watches them nod. "Follow me." Meredith starts leading them to the 2nd floor where Andy will be treating her. "Listen, I don't know how much Ross told you and I'll explain it when you're all together, but right now she may be asleep. She was up most of the night. Had Ross visiting around 8 pm, moved her and got her settled around 10 pm."

"If she's asleep we can leave," Travis said, pulling out his phone and texting the rest of 'A' shift to let the rest of them know what's going on.

They were in the elevator for a minute before getting to the 2nd floor.

"Look, I need you guys to be quiet on this floor alright? This floor is for cancer patients and we like to keep it quiet for them. Since they're already dealing with a lot." The three nod, frowning at hearing "cancer patient" and not believing that their friend is in this position.

They walk down a corridor and stop at a room near the end of the hall when Meredith stops them. "Just let me talk to them. See if she's up for a visit." Meredith doesn't wait for an answer, she just enters the room and closes the door behind her.

"Robert, has she woken up at all?" Robert opened his mouth.

"She has and she is." Andy opened her eyes. "What's up, Mer?"

"Some of your firefighter friends are here. They okay to come in?"

"I'm exhausted, I have yet to hear what my treatment plan is going to be, so I guess so. Just don't know how good my company will be."

"I think it'll be more about just seeing your eyes are open since the last time they were closed and you looked a lot worse than you do now." Andy cringes, remembering how she ended up in the hospital.

"Does Theo know?" Andy asked, worried about her friend not knowing if he knew since he's at a different station. "Has anyone told him what's going on?"

"I don't know. But you can ask your friends at 19 if anyone let him know." Meredith told her.

Andy nods and signals that she can let them in. When she sees VIc, Travis and Maya she smiles.

"Hey guys, how's it going?"

"Well, better than you." Travis tried to joke but ended up being elbowed by Vic. "Ow. Okay. Bad joke. Sorry, Andy."

Andy grins and brushes it off. "Trav, Vic." Andy gets their attention while Maya grabbed a chair in the corner of the room to sit down on. "Has anyone told Theo what happened?" Andy asked and by the blank looks they gave her, she sighed. "Can someone please let him know what's going on? Please?"

Vic nods and pulls out her phone to text Theo. She received a text seconds later saying that he was on the way to the hospital. "He said he's on his way." Andy nodded and leaned back into the pillow.

There's a moment of silence before anyone speaks.

"Do you know now?" Andy asked in a small voice.

The group of three looks at each other and Robert grabs Andy's hand when they nod.

"I'm sorry Andy. Ross thought we should know so she came by the station this morning to tell us." Maya told her, hoping it wouldn't upset Andy any more than she was.

"It's fine. I don't really keep any secrets from you anyways."

"Well, besides Robert at least, right?" Travis brought up.

Robert chucked, Andy glared and Vic and Maya were surprised at his boldness.

"Yeah, I guess besides Robert," Andy repeated.

Travis was about to say something else when the door opened again and Amelia walked in. Telling Andy that she had more people who wanted to see her and if it was okay. Andy nodded and Amelia told her that they could only stay a couple of hours before she needed to discuss her treatment plan.

Andy nodded and told her to let everyone else in, bracing herself for all the questions she knew would be asked.

I think this ended up being a filler chapter more than anything. Next chapter will be longer.

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