Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Travis was about to say something else when the door opened again, and Amelia walked in. Telling Andy that she had more people who wanted to see her and if it was okay. Andy nodded and Amelia told her that they could only stay a couple of hours before she needed to discuss her treatment plan.

Andy nodded and told her to let everyone else in, bracing herself for all the questions she knew would be asked.

Andy watched the door open, and her teammates walked in. When they saw Andy, their emotions looked to be all over the place. Ben and Jack had concern written all over their faces, while Theo was just in shock, he was shaken by the news. Theo may have just gotten to know Andy, but she had become an important part of his life.

"You look like shit, Herrera," Jack said, surprising everyone in the room and getting swatted at by Ben.

"What the hell, man?" Ben and everyone else were shocked at the unneeded comment.

"Sorry, sorry," Jack said, not like it helped anything.

Andy looked at Jack, shocked like everyone else, but was trying not to laugh, knowing he was just kidding. "Ben, chill. It's okay."

Jack rubbed his arm and nodded, not wanting to say anything else that would get him hit. Jack took the time to really look at his best friend. Seeing the gauze wrapped around her forehead and the cast on her arm, hurt him. Knowing this would've never happened, well the injuries at least, if Beckett just listened to Andy when she said the house was clear of the five-member family.

Andy was watching Jack and saw him starting to frown, along with everyone else in the room. "No," Andy said, attracting everyone's attention to herself now. "No one gets to feel guilty." Everyone was avoiding eye contact. "Guys, I'm serious. This is no one's fault besides Beckett for sending us back in even though he knew the house was clear."

Vic and Travis looked at Andy, wanting to believe what she said was the truth, but they weren't sure. "We could've stayed with you-"

Andy cut Travis off. "- No." Andy stated. "I need everyone to know that this was none of your fault. If this didn't take me out the cancer would." Andy looked down, "It still could," Andy whispered.

Robert, being right beside her, heard her and rubbed her arm. "Andy, you can't think like that," he scolded his wife. He watched Andy wipe a tear off her cheek. "It'll be okay. We'll all be here for you, and you won't have to go through anything alone, okay?" Robert tried to reassure his wife but noticed he was failing. Realizing this may be one of the hardest things they'll need to get through. He wanted to make sure that she knew he wouldn't leave but it was proving to be harder than he thought. "Andy, you'll get through this. You can't give up before you've started to fight."

Andy, still looking down, nods. "I know. I just thought I'd be captain before I'd have to retire or whatever the hell this is going to be." Everyone looked at Andy, pity clear on their faces. "Look, just ask whatever you want to ask and stop with the pity looks that I know you're giving me right now," Andy told them, looking up and seeing that her thoughts were true. "Come on, any minute Meredith or Amelia is going to come in and take me to a new room.

"What kind of treatment is it going to be?" Ben braved asking.

"We didn't get a chance to talk about it yet since all of you knuckleheads came in," Robert told them, a smile pulling at his lips after hearing Andy try to hold in a giggle, finding it hilarious that Robert just called the group of firefighters, "Knuckleheads".

"Well, that's a first," Travis said what they were all thinking. "Didn't think you had a sense of humor."

"Glad I'm not the only one who thinks that," Vic told him, a smile gracing her face. "We got into this a while ago,"

Andy looked at her. "When was this?" Andy saw Robert and Vic look at each other. "What? What is it?" Andy was confused, wondering why they suddenly got nervous.

"It was after your mom came to ask about you after..." Vic paused, "Uh... after the-"

"-After my attack," Andy finished for her. "It's okay to talk about it," Andy told them, wanting them to know that while she was still dealing with it, she was okay with talking about it.

"I made a joke about how she was "zombie mom" and Vic was shocked that I could make humor despite of the horrible situation." Andy looked at Robert, a smile tugging at her lips again.

"Well," Andy looked at Vic, "I can tell you for sure that he does indeed have a sense of humor." Andy told her and then yawned. Robert smiled at the cuteness of it.

"Alright, I think Andy needs some rest," Robert told the group. "Can you guys come back tomorrow?" The couple watched the firefighters nod and make their way out of the hospital room. Robert felt Andy take a deep breath and let it out. "I know. I know." Robert rocks Andy, feeling her body shaking, body racking with silent sobs. "I know it doesn't feel like it, but it'll be okay." Robert tried to reassure her, rubbing her back.

"Will it?" Andy's voice cracked.

Robert paused; he didn't know what to say so he just pulled Andy close to him, never wanting to let go. He couldn't imagine his life without Andy, and he could not lose a second wife. He had been rubbing her back for what felt like hours when he felt Andy sag against him and breathing even out. I can't lose another wife, losing Claire was hard enough. Robert sighed and tried to adjust his position on the bed, trying to get more comfortable.

It was a couple of hours later when Amelia walked into the room, causing Robert to look up and shift.

"You look so comfortable right now," Amelia joked, trying not to laugh at the tall man in the small bed.

"Oh yeah, I totally am." Robert joked dryly.

"Listen," Amelia turns serious. "We're going to be moving her tomorrow morning or whenever she wakes up." She watches Robert nod, "We just don't want to move her while she's comfortable right now."

"I don't think anyone can be comfortable in a hospital bed," Robert told her, gesturing to himself and how tall he is.

"Well, hospitals aren't where anyone wants to be," Robert states the obvious.

Amelia feels a tug on her lips. "I know. Unfortunately, not everyone goes through life with no incident."

Robert nodded and was about to ask a question when Amelia read his thoughts. "We'll talk about everything tomorrow when Andy is more alert and once you've gotten some rest." Amelia watched Robert nod and she walked out.

Robert exhaled and planted a kiss on Andy's forehead. "It'll be alright, babygirl. I'll be with you every step of the way." 

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