Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

Robert just nodded and rested his head back on the bed, hating this for not only himself, but his wife who had never done anything to remotely deserve this.

Meredith and Amelia watched him sadly. "We'll come back in a couple of hours to see how she's doing and let you know if we've made any progress," Meredith told Robert, patting his back quickly before she walked out.

Robert watched as they left and as soon as they did a nurse had a bigger bed brought in so Robert could lie down with his wife. Robert and the nurse worked to get Andy onto the new bed without waking up, but Andy moaned and Robert sighed. He thought Andy would open her eyes and yell at him for waking her up but instead, she just curled up into Robert, careful of her broken arm, as he covered them with a blanket. The nurse smiled sadly at the couple and took the other bed out of the room.

"I love you so much, Andy. We'll get through this together." Robert told her and kissed her forehead.

"I love you too, Robert." Robert heard Andy say, almost in a whisper, having to strain his ears to hear her.

Robert squeezed her, adjusted his position, and then closed his eyes falling asleep.


It was several hours later when Andy woke up, in her husband's arms and heard a couple of voices talking in the room.

"So, we'll start with surgery. Andy's a firefighter, she's healthy, she's young. She's going to beat this." That was Maggie talking.

"Beat this? I thought that stage two was deadly." Andy heard Amelia ask, doubt clear in her voice.

Andy opened an eye and saw that Amelia looked surprised.

"Amelia, please tell me you two didn't tell Andy that she would never recover?" Maggie asked and Andy could tell she was pissed off. When Maggie didn't get a response from either of them, she sighed. "you guys have got to be fucking kidding me." Andy had to hold back a gasp. She had never heard Maggie swear before. "Guys, you don't specialize in this field." Maggie sighed. "Before you fight me on that, you may know the field, Meredith, but you don't deal with cancer patients like I do." Andy opened both her eyes, waiting for one of them to notice she was awake but Maggie continued. "While it can take time to heal, you can go back to a normal lifestyle. Even with a job as demanding as firefighting." Meredith and Amelia ran a hand through their hair.

"Shit." Meredith let out. "Andy is gonna be pissed at me." Meredith shook her head. "I should've spoken to you before I told her."

Andy was about to speak but Robert beat her to it. "Damn right you should've. Instead, you got her and I thinking that even though she would become healthy again that she could never fight fires again." Robert pulled Andy closer to him and Andy closed her eyes, loving the feeling of being in her husbands arms. "So, what does this mean, Dr. Peirce? Will she be able to be a firefighter again?" Robert looked at Maggie, fear, and hope in his eyes all at once.

Robert watched Maggie smile and shoo Meredith and Amelia out of the room to talk to the couple by herself. "Yes. We need to start treatment right away, but I believe you'll be able to fight fires again, Andy."

Andy opened her eyes and gave her a sheepish smile. "How did you know I was awake?"

"I saw her eye open, Andy." Maggie laughed. "You weren't sly about it." Robert kissed his wife's forehead and laughed too. "On a more serious note, though, I do want to start treatment today."

"Surgery comes first though?" Andy asked, smile gone and nervousness showing on her face.

Maggie nodded. "I know it's soon but while you don't have food in your system, I think we should do it now." Maggie told her, sitting down on the chair by Andy's side of the bed. "I know it's short notice, but I'd like to get this over with so we can get you started on a chemo and radiation plan."

Andy nodded and looked down. Robert grabbed one of her hands. "How soon can we do the surgery?"

Maggie looked down at her tablet. "I have an opening for surgery in a couple hours or four hours." Maggie looked at the couple. "Is that too soon or is it okay?"

Andy and Robert looked at each other. "I want to do it as soon as possible but I do need to talk to Ross and the rest of the station to let them all know that it was a false alarm with me never being able to fight fires again after treatment. So maybe in four hours?"

Maggie nodded and handed Andy her phone that was on the bedside table. "Here. Call them, get them down here and we can talk to them. I'm sure some of them are dying to see you too. I heard from Meredith that only Bishop, Hughes and Montgomery have been by, right?" Andy nodded. "Okay, well, get everyone here so we don't need to explain it multiple times." Maggie told her and stood up. "I'll be back in half an hour. Maybe an hour depending on when your friend gets here." Andy and Robert nodded. Smiles on their faces.

Robert pulls Andy into a tight hug and Andy laughs. "Okay, okay. Let go. I need to breath, Robert." Robert kisses Andy's nose and pulls back. Give me your phone. I'll text everyone and tell them to come to the hospital, you, meanwhile, try to get some rest. Even if you're just closing your eyes." Andy wanted to fight him but she was still tired and did want some more rest so she scooted down in the bed, her head resting on Robert's chest, an arm over his stomach and closed her eyes. Robert kissed her forehead and sighed. He opened her phone and started messaging Andy's friends as well as chief Ross. Once Robert was done, he wrapped his arms around Andy and was just thinking about how hard this would be. How Andy would be frail, how she would lose her hair. Oh god, she's going to hate that. He thought as she ran a hand through her hair. His eyes teared up at the realization of how many differences may occur during her treatment.

Robert was spiraling when he felt Andy's phone vibrate. We'll be there as soon as it's visiting hours.

Robert looked at the time on the phone. 6 am. Visiting hours were in three hours. Robert sighed and kissed Andy's head again. Glad that the call didn't end up being worse than it was and that Andy would be able to get past this.

Whew. Updated all the stories someone asked me to. Now I shall work on one's I want to :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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