Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

So, I've been extremely busy. I don't know when I'll be able to update my other stories. I am so sorry. I love writing but I need to get money and I NEED to graduate from college sooner rather than later but right now I am on semester break until January 3rd.

Robert nodded and was about to ask a question when Amelia read his thoughts. "We'll talk about everything tomorrow when Andy is more alert and once you've gotten some rest." Amelia watched Robert nod and she walked out.

Robert exhaled and planted a kiss on Andy's forehead. "It'll be alright, babygirl. I'll be with you every step of the way."

Robert leaned back into the bed, thinking about everything that's happened in the past 24 hours. When he found his wife under a pile of rubble, he learned that she was sick and that she could never go back to firefighting, even if she survived the cancer treatments.

Robert sighed. Why does this have to be happening to her? He thought. Robert sighed again, not knowing how to deal with this. Watching Andy go through treatments would be heartbreaking. She'd be devastated, tired, grumpy and all of it would be worth it if it meant she could get her life back when it's all done with.

Robert got off the bed and grabbed his phone from the chair he had been sitting on. He checked to see if he had any messages, and he was surprised to see one from Chief Ross. He opened the message and was surprised by the length of it.


I know you're with Herrera and you'll probably be with her until further notice so I just wanted to let you know that you can take as much time off as you'd like. Nothing will appear on your record. Just take care of Andy, we all love and care for her at the department and we hate to see her go.

Please know that due to Beckett's carelessness, I've decided to suspend him until further notice and that when I get results from the drug testing, we made him take, I'll be transferring him anyways. 19 is too good of a house for a guy like that and I am so sorry for not making this decision sooner.

Because I don't want any fights to happen between you and Bishop or Bishop and Herrera, I'll be bringing in Aquino from retirement to be a temporary captain. Theo will be taking over at station 23. I need everything at the house to run smoothly and I hope bringing him in will do that.

Tell Andy she's in my thoughts, Robert. If you or her need anything, please feel free to ask.

Chief Ross

Robert had his mouth gaping open, shocked that he would get such a meaningful email from their boss. He put his phone down and grabbed one of Andy's hands, resting his head on the bed alongside it. Please get through this. Please get through this. Was the thought that kept running through his head. "Please, God. Let her get through this. Let us get through this." Robert said aloud, not knowing that Meredith and Amelia were standing by the door.

"We'll do everything we can to help her, Robert. I promise." Meredith spoke up from behind him. Not being able to just stand there and say nothing, heartbreaking for her friends.

Robert ran a hand over his bald head and sighed. Letting go of Andy's hand he turned to face the two doctors that would be handling his wife's care. "So, what kind of treatment is she looking at? We never did get to discuss it."

"We've reviewed Andy's case with our sister. She wants to try to get all of the cancer all at once while we want to do Chemo and radiation." Amelia sighed.

"So, you don't even know yet is what you're saying?" Robert asked, groaning in his head, knowing that this wasn't easy for the doctors since they were all so close.

"We don't." Meredith admitted, walking into the room, and closing the door behind her and Amelia. "I'm sorry, Robert." Meredith told him, "We just want to be sure we're doing the right thing. I have another doctor coming in to consult so we'll have an answer for you by tomorrow morning at least. We're going to bring in a bigger bed so you can sleep alongside her and then we'll leave you to rest."

Robert just nodded and rested his head back on the bed, hating this for not only himself, but his wife who had never done anything to remotely deserve this.

Meredith and Amelia watched him sadly. "We'll come back in a couple of hours to see how she's doing and let you know if we've made any progress." Meredith told Robert, patting his back quickly before she walked out.

I'm so sorry if this chapter sucks. Just want people to know I'm alive lol

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