Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Hughes decided to split with Andy this time and when she saw that Andy was moving slowly she moved over to shake her. "Yo. Herrera. You okay?"

Andy, refusing to look weak, just nodded her head and motioned for them to continue the sweep. As they moved up the first set of stairs to the second floor Andy started to feel light-headed and her breathing became shallow and short. She tried to call out for Vic but before she could a piece of the roof collapsed and landed on her.

Vic hearing the noise, turned around and saw her friend buried underneath the rumble. "ANDY!"

"Mayday! Mayday! Firefighter down." Vic cried over the radio. "I need a Rapid Intervention Team!" Vic gets off the radio and focuses on Andy. "Andy, Andy." Vic works to get some of the debris off of Andy. "Please answer me, Andy." Vic started to uncover some of Andy, her arm first and notices that it's at a weird angle. Vic tried to lift another piece off but it was too heavy, Vic was about to radio asking where her backup is when she hears running.

"Vic, who's down?" Maya asked, not being able to tell since Andy's back and her head still had a piece of roof covering her.

"It's Andy," Vic said carefully, seeing Robert come in.

"Excuse me?" Robert was shocked. "What do you mean it's Andy?" Robert asked, expression hardening, worried for his wife.

"Robert, I'm so sorry," Vic told him, trying to keep her tears in.

Robert just shakes his head. "Come on, let's get this ruble off of her."

19 and Ruiz get to work on getting Andy out. About five minutes later they have the bigger pieces off of her, her last name on her turnout now visible.

"Alright. Let's turn her over." Robert gave instructions. "Bishop and Ruiz go and get a stretcher. Hughes and I will work on turning her over."

"Shouldn't you wait to do that until we have a backboard?" Vic asked.

"We brought one in when you said that there was a firefighter down," Maya told her and then rushed out of the house to get the gurney.

Robert sets the backboard near Andy and gets it in place before Vic, Travis and he works to turn her over and when they do they all gasp. Andy had a large gash on her forehead, blood was running down the right side of her face. Robert tries to hold his tears back but a couple escape as he reaches a hand to put fingers on the pulse point on her neck and lets out a small sob when he feels a faint pulse.

"Thank god." he breathes out. They work to get Andy on the backboard and lift her onto the gurney when Maya and Theo come in. "Come on. We gotta get her house before any more of it house gives in." Robert said and they clip her in and rush out of the house.

When they get out of the house Robert and Vic rush to the Aid Car and load Andy in.

"Robert and I are coming in the ambo," Vic tells the group.

"Warren, your my med group. Go with them. They aren't in the right head space to be working on her right now." Warren nods at what Beckett said and rushes into the back of the ambo and gets Andy hooked on the heart monitor while Maya gets in the front and starts the drive to Grey-Sloan.

Warren gets her hooked up and is glad to see that, despite the head injury, her heart rate is more stable than he thought it would be. Ben looked up at Vic and Robert and saw them looking at Andy, tears in their eyes.

"Hey, She's going to be okay guys," Warren said, trying to lift their spirits.

"She never should have been in the house. It was clear. We got the five family members out." Vic said aloud, pissed off.

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