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Pulled together, like magnets.

Everything in the world had a magnetic field. Humans do too.

Maybe it's this magnetic field that brings certain people close and keeps certain people away. Maybe what we call fate is just how magnets work. But I know. I am no magnet. Yet, I am being pulled and I don't want to be pulled by anyone, let alone someone whose face I don't know. Well, that's not true. I do know her face, after all, I saw her up close. I know her face with her face half an inch away from mine and her body on top of mine with Kiran's fist flying towards me but still, nothing should be changed by anything, least of all, an accident.

Yet like a magnet, I followed them. I left the conference hall after the debate, which was successful just how I wanted it to be, and saw her coming out, being pulled by someone. Aadhira. Now that I know her name, it keeps popping up in my head. I knew she wasn't being forced or anything by the looks of it, but I couldn't resist. Why? Who knows? I don't know why but it felt like I should go after her. Everyone's busy in the event, enjoying it. Somehow, it didn't feel secure to leave her to go with anyone, forced or not. So, I went after them and found the guy crouching over on the ground. I knew immediately what was happening and took charge. After all, I am a doctor. What struck me is the expression of extreme concern on her face and the panic there. The fear was very similar to the one she had on her face when she tried to protect me the first time we met.

I had to ask myself. Why care so much about someone? I don't know if he is a stranger to her or not, but I know I was when she shielded me. So, even though it is my duty as a doctor, I know I did it for her. For someone in panic herself, she followed my instructions pretty well. When the boy got better, so did she. I left silently, not wanting to face her any more than needed. As I looked at them sitting there as she held his hands in hers, they looked good together. The perfect couple. And I didn't like that thought, so I didn't look back. Not even once.

I went straight to my room and shut the door behind me. I listened to songs for a long time before I realized how I am wasting my time with these thoughts, and took out my books to get back to studying.


Holidays are supposed to bring families together, and physically, they do. Pongal, or Maghi as we call it in Himachal Pradesh, has arrived. Everyone went home to celebrate and so did, but I am not exactly celebrating right now. Everything was going well for the past two days, but I know that's not going to last because today is the big day. Today, Aarti is getting married and I agreed to attend their wedding. Everyone's happy about my decision, except my father, I guess. He'll never be happy about any of my decisions, that's his life's motto. Honestly, I'd rather avoid this wedding at any cost, but I need to know. I need to know what's going on in my chest compartment and I know there's a lot going on there. What's more confusing is why I feel like I am being pulled on both sides.

Both? Before I can contemplate my thoughts, my mom taps on my shoulder to get my attention. She's busily talking to someone on the phone as she gestures towards her watch, indicating we're getting late. I nod in agreement and got my car keys from my room. We all got into the car and drove in silence.

"No, Radha said she'll get the thali being presented for the groom. Yes, we're on our way there. Ha. Ha. Fine." My mom is occupied with her phone the entire ride. So, I can't even turn in the music.

As we reached the ceremonial hall, I look at the entrance from my driver's seat and contemplate whether this was a good idea as my parents got down and started walking inside. My mom turns around and signals me to come.

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