••°°••Chapter Six••°°••

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When Tanjiro opened his eyes he looked around. When he truned around he seen Nezuko standing there bleeding. He ran up to her and asked if she was ok.

Thats when Nezuko started graling she looked up and attacked Tanjiro. Tanjiro was fast, he Dodge her attacks and grabbed her arm twisd behind her back and slam her to the ground.

Tanjiro then grabbed his axs and pointed at her neck. Tanjiro stared to cry.

" Please Nezuko fight it! I don't want to lose you... I aready lost a lot of people thats I loved. I d-dont want to lose you too!..." He cried.

Nezuko started to cry, Tanjiro notice and looked down at her. She was crying and sniffed and started to speak.

" I- I couldn't protect them....I'm so sorry onii-san.." She cried.

Tanjiro smeil but then notice a present near, he grabbed Nezuko and jumped out the way. Cutting a pice of his hair, The raven hair man was surprised.

* He fast..* he thought.

Tanjiro notice that the raven hair man had a nichirin sword. The man the pointed her sword at Tanjiro.

" Do you know that your protecting a demon. right?" Raven asked.

" Yes, but she didnt eat a signal person, theres was another sent at the house." Tanjie said.

The raven glared at him and ran forward and went into the transparent world and seen the raven hair man movement.

* What going on?*

Tanjiro jumped away with Nezuko in his arms this shocked the demon slayer. He looked to his side to she Tanjiro dangerously staring at him.

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This made the demons slayer siver and a little fear

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This made the demons slayer siver and a little fear. Nezuko looked that the slayer and said.

" I don't want to harm anybody! Cant we please stop fighting!?"

Both Tanjiro and the slayer looked at each other and back at Nezuko. They both agreed, they sat right across from each other.

" What your name?" Tanjiro asked.

" Giyuu Tomioka, yours?"

" Tanjiro Tsuguikuni and she is Nezuko Kamado"

" So y'all not siblings?" Tomioka asked.

" We are, we just...came from differnts...uh, dads?" Tanjiro lied.

Tomioka tilted his head and nodded.

"Ok, go find a man name Sakonji Urokodaki, he lives in Mount Sagiri. If you find him he will train you and teach you breathing stayels. Most likely water" Tomioka told.

Tanjiro nodded his head and asked.

" What about my sister?"

Giyuu looked at Nezuko sleeping figger and looked back at Tanjiro.

" She cant go out the sun, your lucky that the clouds are blocking. But the sun will be out in the next hour. You should find a place for her to hid or a box to carry her in." Giyuu suggested.

Tanjiro thoughed about it and looked at Tomioka.

" we have to go back to my house to buried my family. And I have a coil basket near."

Giyuu nodded his head.

A few minutes later, they made it at the house. First both Tomioka and Tanjiro buried the house hold body's. Nezuko and Giyuu watched at Tanjiro prayed and looked up at the sky.

" Can you shrink Nezuko?" Tanjiro asked.

She nodded her head and turned into a toddler size and squeeze her way in the basket. Her head poped out, Tanjiro patted her head and put a clof over her head.

" This should get any sun light out." Tanjiro whisper to himself.

Giyuu looked at Tanjiro and then asked.

" Who trained you? When I was going to grabbed Nezuko, you knew my next move. Its like you predicted what I was going to do next."

Tanjiro looked down and sighed.

" I........ I hav-..Had two older twins brothers, they where demon slayers like you Tomoika. They trained me so I could protect myself when they are not around. Well mostly my brother Michkatsu did, but Yoriichi did total concentration..."

Giyuu raised an eyebrow.

"Oh! Michkatsu is the older twin while Yorrichi was the younger twin. Sorry I missed them.." Tanjiro said.

Giyuu stared at Tanjiro and nodded his head.

" I had sombody precious to me that I lost also." Tomoika spoked quitly. He continued.

" His name was Sabito, my one and only best friend..... He taught me some things he learned from he's own. He helped me be more confident in myself, but I long lost that confident. Ever since he died I lost myself.... Its like every time I get close with someone.............. They die." Giyuu said.

Tanjiro got up and walked to Giyuu, he pulled him into a hug. Tanjiro smiled and whispered in his ear.

" Its ok to cry, crying doesnt make you weak. It releas stress, anger, anxiety and sad out of a person. I had to tell the same thing tobmy older brother onces. There is always somebody that cares and love you Giyuu-san, so please release the stress upon yourself"

Tomoika eyes widen as tears fell from his a second later he started to break down. Tanjiro hold him as they both went down to the ground. Giyuu tuck his head into Tanjiro shoulder crying, Tanjiro let him.

" I'll be your new firend, Giyuu-san" Tanjiro said.

Giyuu looked at Tanjiro and smiled for the first time in years and wiped his tears away.

" I'll like that" Giyuu agreed.

[ Tanjiro did the rizz breathing on him ]

••• Few Hours later •••

Tanjiro was on his way to Mt.Sagiri, sadly Tomoika couldn't come with him cause he have other mission to complete. Bit he promised Tanjiro he will come visit him and Nezuko.

Tanjiro was happy that he met Giyuu, he made his first firend since he came from the black hole.
936 words

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