°•°•Chapter Fifthteen•°•°

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Tanjiro went over and pulled the yellow hair boy away from the girl. The girl looked at Tanjiro then blused * He's good looking~* she thought.

[ Her View ]

Tanjiro looked at her she flinch and blused hard " Your ok miss?" Tanjiro asked

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Tanjiro looked at her she flinch and blused hard " Your ok miss?" Tanjiro asked. She nodded her head Tanjiro smiled at her that made her blush even more.

After some time the girl left " Why would you do that! She was supposed to marry me! Now you ruined it!!" Tanjiro looked at the cheetos hair boy with disgust.

" Why would you force a girl to marry you? Your a demon slayer you should know better to not act like that" the other boy looked at Tanjiro offended.

* wait, that's the boy who broke that other guy arm..*

" I'm Tanjiro Tsugikuni, whats your name?" Tanjiro asked. He helped the yellow hair boy up from the ground " I'm Zenitsu Agatsuma.." He introduce himself.

" So, Zenitsu why do you wanted that girl to marry you?" Tanjiro asked. Then Tanjiro offered a rice ball and Zenitsu takes it.

" I never really wanted to become a demon slayer, I want a normal life and married a beautiful girl. Then I seen her soooo...I though if I could convince her to on marring me I could leave the demon slayer court." Tanjiro looked at Zenitsu with a ' What the Hell' face.

" Hey! Don't look at me like that!" Zenitsu yelled. Tanjiro sighed and ate his rice ball " CLAW CLAW! MISSION AT UP THE MOUNTAIN! CLAW CLAW!" Tanjiro crow yelled. Zenitsu looked at Tanjiro " Y-Your crow can speak!?"

Tanjiro nodded his head and grabs Zenitsu hand " Lets go to the mission" Zenitsu trys to pull his hand away " W..-What!? This is yours mission!" Tanjiro ran with Zenitsu.

When they got there 2 kids ran and hid from the boys. Tanjiro took the box from his back and set it down on the ground. He went down on one knee " Its ok, I won't hurt you" Tanjiro soft spoken voice calm the children down. Even Zenitsu felt safe, the two kids slowly walked to Tanjiro.

Zenitsu sparrow fly's into Tanjiro hands he smiled " Tada! It a sparrow, the bird looks cute doesn't it?" Tanjiro said. The younger kids laughed, this made Tanjiro hear smile. They remind him his younger siblings, after sometime tanjiro asked.

" Why kids like you doing here?" The younger childern looks down, that's when the young boy spoked " Our older brother is in this house. We tryed to find him but we couldn't.." The boy said sadly.

Tanjiro put his hands on both siblings shoulder, they felt worm when they seen Tanjiro soft smile. Zenitsu watched the whole thing happened the longer he looks at Tanjiro, the more he realised.

That Tanjiro was a very attractive, kind, careing, sweet, outspoken, and warm guy. Zenitsu knows he's not gay, but if he was a girl he will total be with him.

" Don't worry we will help you both out" Tanjiro said. As he stand up and dust off his clothes he looked at Zenitsu " Are you ready?" Zenitsu shook his head and cried " I'm to scared!"

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