●•■Chapter Thirty Four■•●

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Late that night around 4a.m. Tanjiro randomly woken up. He got up off his bed he seen Nezuko was still asleep in her box she recently came back from visiting Urokodaki. Tanjiro decided to get some fresh air. He walks outside and went to a garden outside the butterfly mansion.
He sat down on the deck closed his eye's feeling the wind blow through his long burgundy hair.
" You have nice hair tanjiro~" he heard Shinobu voice. He turns around seeing her hair down for the first time and her bed clothes.

She sat beside tanjiro smiling at him " Why are you out here so late?" She asked. Tanjiro took a deep breath " I don't know honestly, I think I need to clear my head.."
Shinobu understands " Yeah, same here. Ever since master this will be our final battle. This also means I could avenge my older sister....she was killed by uppermoon two" She told tanjiro.
" Thats why you fake smiles so much? To hide the pain and guilt. Shinobu-San I will tell you what I told tomioka, stop blaming yourself of things you can't control. I'm not a fan of revenge but you gotta do what you gotta do.." tanjiro said.

Shinobu eyes lightened a bit she smiles at tanjiro " Now I know why she likes you~..." she whispered to herself.
" Huh?.." " Nothing~ We should get some rest. You don't want to be tired for training later~" Shinobu said walking away.
Tanjiro watches as she walks away then disappeared from his sight. Tanjiro looks back at the moon and stars " The moon remains me of Muichirou...." He said to himself. He was outside for another 30 minutes before going back inside to sleep.

Hours later, at the training grounds with the flame hashira. Rengoku welcome everyone with a bright happy big smile " Hello everyone! I'm happy that I the formal flame hashira will help wonder slayers like you guys. What I will teach yall about how to control every part of your body...!" He explains.
Rengoku took a doll and grabs a knife he stabs the doll in a random area.
" So if you have a cut, scratch or any types of bruises that's life threatening. Focus on your red blood cells to heal the pain or stop the bleeding. Red blood cells are the ones to heal your body, it reacts fast trying to heal you fast  as possible. So this what you have to do; put pressure on your wound, focus on where the pain takes place mostly. Then if you feel your red blood cells force a bit more to you injury, and focus on the spot that need healing.
This will make a human body heal 10x more faster and stops the bleeding until helps arrives" Rengoku explains.

The demon slayers took notes of what he said rengoku smiles at everyone once again.
" if you have a bigger wound, for a example like a hole somewhere in your body. There nothing you can do, but could use what I told you about to keep you alive for a few minutes" rengoku said.
Tanjiro had flashback when rengoku almost died from uppermoon 3 almost getting punch him in the guts.

Tanjiro shook that memory away " Now let talk about stamina. Stamina is basically energy you have left in your body. You can't keep forcing yourself to move if you use every single bit of energy you have left.
I tell yall something, your spirit core...you have to find it deep within you. This makes your body burst full of stamina, this may sound good but it's not. This only good if you in a death zone only use it one or two times only for like 5 to 10 minutes maximum. If you go overboard your body will feel intense pain, you will over heat, and it will cause death. That's why a demon slayer only can use it once or twice there whole life" Rengoku explains.

* It's similar when yoriichi poses me...* tanjiro thought.
* it is similar, but more 10x more dangerous...* Yoriichi said. Tanjiro keeps forgetting that Yoriichi talks to him in his head once in a while.
* How so?* He asked.
* I'm controlling  your spirit core and using the stamina that the hashira explains. The reason why I use it because your normal body wouldn't handle it well and it would have been past out way earlier on with the fight of uppermoon 6..* Yoriichi explains. Then he continue to speak * I also puts tiny bit of my spirit core to fix yours. This is the reason why I can only talk to you a while cause I'm nothing but a spirit tanjiro. The more bits I use the slower I'm vanishing away...*
Tanjiro eyes widen * Why would you do that?!*

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