°•°•Chapter Twenty •°•°

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°•In Tanjiro Dreamland°•

Tanjiro was in a field of beautiful flowers and green grass. He walks around and find one of his older brother. This made Tanjiro happy, he ran at him and jumps on his side making them both fell into the grass.

Tanjiro smiles with tears falling from his eyes. The one he was hugging was Yoriichi, he wanted to see both his brothers but one is enough. He huggs Yoriichi for dear life crying his heart out, Yoriichibpats his back smiling also having tear fell from his eyes aswell.

After some time they both sat near a lake, Tanjiro looks at Yoriichi and asks "Are you real?" Yoriichi shook his head.

" No, I'm in your mind. But I want to speak with my little brother before you wake back up" Yoriichi softly spoked. Tanjiro looks down " oh, what do you want to talk about?" Tanjiro asked. Yoriichi sadly smiles at Tanjiro " Its...about Michkatsu, he made a bad decision..."

Tanjiro already knew and Yoriichi could tell that he knows what he was talking about. Yoriichi puts his hand on tanjiro shoulder " I didnt want him to take that path to tanjiro, I was heart broken when I seen him" Tanjiro hugs Yoriichi crying.

" I wish I didn't leave the both of you! I want to be with y'all forever! " he cries. Yoriichi gaves Tanjiro a sad smile and softly hugs him back " I want to stay with the both of y'all too, I'll wait for you two" Yoriichi said. Tanjiro lools in Yoriichi eyes and smiles, they put their fourhead together.

" I'll wait for you and Michkatsu, I promise you Tanjiro.." Yoriichi said. As he slowly disappeared " Tanjiro...I'll see you at the end..." He smiles and fully faded away.
Tanjiro slowly opens his teary eyes, he notice that he was tied up in his hands. He looks around seeing 8 people looking down at him the pink and green hair girl look at tanjiro sadly.

" He misses his older brother, you making me miss my younger brother" she said. Tanjiro felt embarrassed that he talked out loud " So, beside that. Why are you carrying a demon young man?" A huge muscular blind man asked him. Tanjiro sat up and crosses his legs and answered " She's my younger sister, its my job as a older brother to protect her. Pluse she hasn't had a singel drop of human blood and didnt eat a singel human!"

The hashira was flabbergasted " Impossible, demon can not live with out blood or eat human flesh!" A flashy man yells. Then a two colour eyes man and a flame hair man agreed. Giyuu feel sorry for tanjiro, he wish he could do something, but the hashira won't agreed to him. Most of the hashira don't even like him for some reason.

That's when Tanjiro got on his feet " You can't say its impossible, believe it or not, things can be possible. You just have to see it with your own eyes!" Tanjiro spoked. This left the hashira shock, and giyuu was proud. Thats when they heard laughter.

Evenone turns to see the wind hashira with Nezuko box's and his sword in his hand. Tanjiro immediately knew what he was going to do " So this is your sister huh? She reek of demon!" He said. Then he stabs the box's piercing his sword into Nezuko shoulders, she moans in pain.

Thats when Tanjiro had enough, he broke through the ropes and ran fast speed at the hashira. He was fast like an hashira, this made the other note shocked. The wind hashira swig he's sword at tanjiro but hes dodges and jumps in the air.

He head pump the hashira hard this made him drops both his sword and the box. Tanjiro grabs the box and hold it against his cest protectively " I don't care who y'all are, but nobody hurts my sister" he said. The wind hashira got back and angrily stump at tanjiro he grins sacredly " I'm fucking kill yo-!" Thats when giyuu yells " MASTER HAS ARRIVE!"

All the hashira went in place then bow down, Tanjiro was confuse and look to see a man walking with two girls by his side. Tanjiro seen those girls in final selection, but on had black hair tho.

When the man came out then went to the sunlight thats when Tanjiro seen the condition he was in. Tanjiro could tell he have pain time to time " So you may heard that this young man has traveled with a demon for a year or two. But as you know she hasnt ate a singel human or had blood for 2 years now since she became a demon" he explain.

Most hashira protesting but the sick man continued to speak " She will not officially join the demon slayer core " All the hashira except for Giyuu, Shinobu, and A long hair boy.

" Master all do respect, but we can't agreed with you. All demoms are the same, evil, nasty man eating creatures!" The wind hashira said. The sick man put up his hand " Sanemi, I know your against it but I made my decision" he spoked softly. This made Sanemi even more angry " Please master, let me test this demon to show that all demons is the same" Sanemi requested.

The maater agreed and Sanemi grabs the box from behind Tanjiro, this shocks tanjiro cause he didn't see the hashira come his why. The box opens and Nezuko rises out the box looking at the hashira with demon eyes.

Tanjiro sat next to tomoika and whispers to him " Do you think she will past..." Giyuu seen tanjiro distressed face. He pats tanjiro on his head with a small smile " She will, I know she will" giyuu said. Sanemi cut his arm letting blood drips out " I have special blood that no demon could resist, I know your hungry" he creeply said.

Nezuko looks over to her brother and giyuu, she don't want to disappoint the only two family she has left. She ignore her hunger and lools away from Sanemi, this shocks all hashira.

" What happened? " the master asked. His daughters explain to what had happen and he smiled " Nezuko Kamado, Is now an official member of the demon slayer core. My name is Kagaya Ubuyashiki, I never got your name. Your nezuko older brother right? " he asked.

Tanjiro stands up " I'm Tanjiro Tsugikuni, I'm her brother but was raised from a different family" Kagaya was shocked about the last name " What your last name again!?" The hashira looks confused. The all looks at tanjiro " Tsugikuni...somthing wrong?" Tanjiro asked.

Kagaya eyes widen and he smiles big " You have to be the descendants of the sun, or his brothers. If I recalled he has a younger brother that also had the name you have!" Kagaya said. The hashira was mad confuse what was going on.

" Do you know your ancestor name 480 years ago? " Kagaya asked. Tanjiro need a few seconds to take in some of the things Kagaya said. " I'm not sure..." Kagaya smiles at Tanjiro " I'm sorry, I got to happy to hear that last name. If you are related to the sun that means you and Muichiro here are long distance cousin" he pointed at a long hair with light blue eyes boy.

Tanjiro look at muichiro * he look like he could be related to Michkatsu then Yoriichi-san* Tanjiro though. Kagaya made a sign to get everyone attention " That's not all, Tanjiro here also met the demon king himself. Muzan Kibutauji" everyone gasp. Even giyuu looks at tanjiro shocked " You met him!?" Giyuu asked.

All the hashira crowd around him asking him question. Tanjiro didn't know how to answer them and that's when Kagaya saved him from this nightmare " Thats enough my children" his voice spoked.

" Tanjiro you can stay at the butter mansion, Shinobu will show you your room and where your friends are" Kagaya explains. Tanjiro nodded his head and Kagaya smiles " The meeting is over you all can go now. Rest up well Tsugikuni-san" Master said. Then his young girl helps him walk back inside his temple.

Giyuu helps tanjiro on his feet " Are you ok? " he asked. Tanjiro smiles at giyuu " I'm fine, just relieved that nezukk pass. I'm happy she still alive" Shinobu walks up from behind " Are you ready Kamado-kun? " she asked. Tanjiro say yes and they left.
1403 words!!!

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