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⚠️I've decided that for each character it's gonna be on one side of the page so, Ryan is on the left 👈🏽 Robyn is on the right👉🏽 asparents and other characters are going to be in the middle!⚠️

-𝘽𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙚'𝙨 𝙥𝙤𝙫-

Not in a million years did I think I'll find my self back in counseling with my wife but unfortunately here we are. Serenity had this undoubtably fear that I am cheating on her when we go on tour or out the city or anything.

I mean rightfully so that she thinks that, she's concerned. But good god everytime I step in the door it's "lemme smell your dick" or "why you smell different" and it irks the living shit out of me.

I'm no cheater, I was, but dude I was sixteen, doing everything under the sun and just down right stupid.. I'm not like that no more. She wants me to go to therapy also to deal with my anger after what happen with Alex.

" I don't want to do this" I said walking in the building " well I do, it's well needed in this marriage of ours" she said wobbling into the office. " why? When we could really just talk this out". She looked at me for a moment before turning to me " we don't see eye to eye at times, which leads to arguments, which leads us to being angry at one another, which leads us to lashing out, you leaving, and me being sad."

I sighed for a moment and we walked in and signed in and we were immediately in the room with Mrs jamerson. " wow, it's good to see you guys again.. the last time I saw you guys well, you were in prison billie and Serenity you had your little babies." She chuckled.

We laughed a little bit out of discomfort before so asked us some questions "so.. how have you guys been?"

We looked at eachother for a moment, the warmth in our eyes never left, it's like our love never faded, though it never did fade, we still have our issues. " we've been good" i spoke up, she chuckled a little bit before talking

" if you guys were good you wouldn't be here, what's going on?" The therapist said. It got quiet, we stared into the distance before I spoke up " Serenity thinks I'm cheating on her"

" I don't think you're cheating I KNOW you're cheating" serenity said. " How am I cheating baby come on, I'm on the phone with you twenty four seven even when I'm on interviews or with anybody I'm always talking to you." I spoke up before taking a breather

" there's not a moment I don't speak to you" I said before staring at her, the emotions was in her eyes but her face didn't say anything.

" you use to call me twenty four seven but now you only called me like four days out the week now, you've been staying out longer than usual, and you've been distant!" Serenity said

" how have been distant?? Please tell me how I've been distant??!" I said shifting towards her, my body's in defensive mode, not that I'm angry or anything, I'm just genuinely curious and confused.

" you haven't been taking showers with me, you don't touch me when are in bed, you only sleep on oneside, usually you sleep under me with your hands around me, you don't eat dinner with me like- what the fuck is going on b?"

I sat for a moment, absorbing all what she was saying and the realization that she was right came to me, and I got quiet. " you're right." I said before breathing in, "but I haven't cheated, I don't have a fiber in my bones to hurt you or anything in me." I said grabbing her hand.

She stared at me for a moment before pulling from me " then why don't you touch me anymore? Am I not attractive enough for you anymore?" She said, her eyes filled with tears and I got sad.

" I've been through everything with you, I've done everything for you, damn near spent half of my life away from you for you! I would never ever EVER cheat on you, I owe my LIFE to you, Serenity.." I said looking at her.

The therapist coughed and we locked eyes with her, " if you can talk like this to her around me, why can't you talk to her alone? What's really going on Billie?"

I shifted to the lady " there's literally nothing going on! I literally work too much! Maybe that's it, maybe I work too much, and that's my fault, but I'm just trying to provide for my family I don't wanna make it seem like I'm just off doing something behind her back!" I said, my voice got louder a little bit.

The therapist started speaking but I cut her off " I have four daughters and a son, barley get to see my son cause he doesn't wanna talk to me, two of my daughters are off in college one of them are still recovering from being shot I'm paying for physical therapy for her I see her everyday," I pause for a minute

" the twins fight all the time, all the time, though they seem like they are doing great everytime I walk in they are fighting, I don't even know where all their anger has come from.. maybe it's me! Maybe they've gotten their anger from me!, listen.. what I'm trying to say is I'm trying to do everything for my family.."

" I don't want to be seen as though I don't give a fuck about my family, I've sacrificed everything and even my self to keep my family in tact. I'm not cheating, here, take my phone go through it go through my emails do what you have to but I will NEVER cheat on my wife, the love of MY life. I will always stand by MINES." I said before throwing my phone on the table and laying back on the couch.

They stared at me for a moment, Serenity held her smirk back and the therapist did nothing but write down on her fucking note book. The bell ringed and she threw her book on the table " your times up, I reckon I'll see you guys in about three months as usual?"

" no fuck this I'm not coming back. I hate this place I genuinely do" I said with a sadistic laugh, I fucking hate this lady. " it's clear that you have a problem with the way I help you guys?" She said staring at me.

" you help us? No you sit there and you add steam to the first Deborah, you don't help us you sit there and you write on your little notepad, and don't even get me started on your fucking BLOG because I've seen it and I know you put your clients stories on your blog without our fucking permission." I said before getting up and walking towards the door

" no one puts you guys on a blog, your just over seeing it" the therapist said " oh so I wasn't on your blog? ' that one celebrity who went to jail for murdering her 'so called' lovers dad out of jealousy had made a remarkable comeback and is doing better than ever?' DOES THAT NOT RING A BELL FOR YOU?" I yelled at her.

Serenity was sitting on the couch confused " what.. wait are you serious right now?" She said looking at the woman on the couch, who's to baffled to say anything. " I'm- uh.. that's literally not about you at all." She finally spoke

" you guys better leave before I call security"
" oh don't worry, you'll be hearing from our lawyers with that one" Serenity said before pouring her glass of water on the therapist

" let's go b, should of never came to this fucking place" Serenity said before walking out, I flipped her off and walked out.

" I'm sorry baby, I really sorry I know you didn't wanna come here and I shouldn't of made you I just felt like things were off" Serenity said putting her arms around me " your good baby, it's all good but we sueing that bitch I don't care" I said before kissing her forehead

This shit was so rushed. Kay bye see you in another three months 🤗🤗

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