Working Hours

496 8 19

Synopsis: Just a little ramble of Sun and Moon going through their normal schedule when the daycare is open. Pure fluff. Highly self indulgent.

Word count: 3071

A/N: I would like to thank @tanuki_official for helping me revise and edit this! 


7:30 AM: Employees check the daycare to ensure it is up to standard.

Sundrop sat cross legged up on the ledge leading to their room, watching two employees enter the daycare. Right on schedule for the morning inspection! They watched as the duo split up, ensuring there was no cause for concern. Sun, of course, knew for a fact they wouldn't find any reason the daycare wouldn't be able to operate normally for the day. Moondrop and them had inspected it a hundred times over to ensure it was just perfect. Nothing short of perfection would be appropriate for the children to be around!

"My, they really don't look very happy, do they?" Sun said quietly, looking down at the two employees. That was, unfortunately, normal. Every so often there would be new employees, starry eyed and happy to even be in the pizzaplex, but they seemed to get pretty worn down over time.

"They're probably tired." Moon's voice echoed in Sun's mind, causing the latter to peer into their room. Moon was sitting in the corner, charging. Unlike the Glamrocks, the daycare attendants didn't get a fancy charging station, just a charging cable. In any case, it did the job, and the duo didn't have reason to complain.

Sun offered Moon a smile when they opened their eyes. They had a dull red glow to them, it was usually brighter, but they were in a reduced power mode when outside of their designated operating hours. Moon didn't say anything more as they made eye contact with Sun, who took it upon himself to continue the conversation.

"Most likely," Sun agreed. While they didn't have to vocalize out loud for Moon to hear, they often did anyway if nobody else was around.

8:00 AM: The pizzaplex opens.

It was rare for guests to arrive immediately after opening, so there was still a little free time for Sun and Moon. They preferred to spend this time discussing theoretical ideas, or guessing when the first guess would arrive. Whoever got the closest guess won bragging rights for the day.

"Eight twenty-two." Moon guessed. They kept track of when guests usually arrived, and took the average of that, regularly recalculating it. Sun, on the other hand, liked to pick a random guess.

"Eight thirteen~!" Sun said confidently, standing upright and giving a little stretch. His sun frills spun around as he did so, making satisfying clicks. It was a pleasant feeling, to move around and focus on the sensation of his gears and inner workings shifting and rotating to create the movement. It was also a good way to make sure everything was still operating as it should.

The first daycare guest arrived at eight nineteen, meaning Moon had won their little guessing game. The child's guardian would provide information to an employee, who entered it into the daycare logs, and then the child would be set free inside the daycare. If the child was new to the daycare, the guardian would need to provide name, age, gender, as well as allergy information and other information relevant to childcare. If the child had been to the daycare before, their information would simply be checked over by the guardian to ensure there had been no changes.

"Ho-hoo~!" Sun chimed, spinning before diving into the ballpit. They had complete access to the daycare logs, and so they knew what they needed to know about any kid that entered the daycare, at least in theory.

12:00 PM: Lunch.

There were two different possibilities for a child's lunch in the daycare. The more common option was that the child's lunch was dropped off with them. If the kids didn't have dietary restrictions, and were old enough to consume solid food, the third option was possible; they were provided a lunch consisting of 1-2 slices of cheese or pepperoni pizza and a small Fizzy-Faz.

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