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Synopsis: This is sort of like a sequel to "Oh, Snap!"

Word Count: 1559

Author's Note: This was an excuse to make Moon act like a gremlin and I am not ashamed


Moon sat hunched over atop a play structure, red eyes studying the daycare. A forever-grin was sat upon their metal lips, teeth sharp - yet, forever locked closed. Their frozen expression was only ever changed in terms of the dilation of their pink - coloured pupils, which were currently thin and judgemental like an angry cat. They observed the world around them with a predatory, completely still posture, hunched over with their claws digging into the edge bar.

The Superstar Daycare had been closed for about an hour now, though the rest of the pizzaplex was just starting to shut down. Management didn't want to spend the extra money to keep the daycare late when the kids were usually already evacuated an hour earlier.

Moon didn't mind. The children were annoying and whiney when it got late.

They didn't hate children, per se - they just had an issue with misbehaving. The later it got, the more irritable and cranky kids were. More irritable and cranky? More naughty children that had to be punished.

That made Moon irritable and cranky.

They didn't like punishing kids, at least the ones in the daycare system. It was their job to take care of the children registered into the daycare. They were responsible for the children as long as the daycare was open. Punishing misbehaving adults... Now that's entertainment. Children not logged into the daycare or after hours? Dicey, but in their defense (and their own words), Gregory was a static crotch gremlin that didn't respect the most basic static - ing rule in the daycare. Gregory was aware enough to take responsibility for his actions. Not that Moon liked Sun in the least - or, they'd never admit that they had any liking towards him - but disrespecting Sun was disrespecting the daycare attendant, of which Moon was half of.

Moon's attention was piqued when they noticed the daycare doors open, a light flashing inside. They hissed and crawled backwards, not wanting to be flashed in the face with that... unauthorized thing. James called them an unauthorized thing once. James was incorrect. Flashlights were not allowed within daycare grounds. Whatever idiot decided to go against that well known rule...

"Naughty boy..." They growled quietly, scampering down the play structure, attempting to look at, and potentially identify, the rule breaker without catching the flashlight glare. Their night-sight cameras would wear down more quickly under bright light, and as such their programming was designed to give them a pain response when it is detected. Oh, and if it was bright enough it could trigger Sun to come into control. They didn't want that during their time.

"Oh shut your pie-hole, I'm here to deliver a gift," The person - James, actually - huffed in annoyance. Moon wasn't fond of them, but also respected their brutal honesty and savage comebacks. He was rather similar to Moon, in that sense. "I don't even want to be here. Mark asked me to drop this off. It's to keep Sun from breaking himself again, so it's in your best interest to make sure it gets to him."

Moon skimmed over their employee file, despite being wholly familiar with the mechanic. It could never hurt to make sure nothing's changed. Last name Forest. Demiboy, he/they pronouns. Young adult. Next birthday in seven months. Sarcastic. Irritating Mechanic. Not as bad as Jessica. Jennifer? Moon couldn't remember - they hadn't bothered actually putting her name into permanent storage. Still, James wasn't great.

Sun's notes: Unenthusiastic but gets the job done. Usually rather grumpy, and often found with a cup of coffee in hand.

After going over the file, Moon sauntered over to James, standing up straight. Well, sort of straight; straight enough that they could be taller than him. They gave a low chuckle, flexing their claws. James broke the rules... they were well within their rules to punish James for that. "Gift or not... you've broken a rule. You know you aren't allowed to bring flashlights in here, especially during nap time~"

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