The Arcade Machine

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"Be careful..." Sun's voice echoed in the shared mindspace between the two daycare attendants. Moon rolled their eyes, before unscrewing the plate on their chest. The music box within was broken, and since Moon wasn't going to trust any of the cheaply hired mechanics Fazbear Entertainment had hired, they were going to fix it themself. Despite their lack of mechanical knowledge, and the fact they didn't even know how their music box worked to begin with, they still trusted themself to do it more then they trusted any of the employees in the entire company.

"Relax. I'm not going to touch anything but the music box. We will be fine." Moon analyzed their reflection in the reflection of the powered off Balloon World arcade game. It was going to be destroyed entirely, but instead the attendants had taken it. It had been there for as long as they could remember, and it made a decent enough reflective surface since they couldn't actually see their chest - their face got in the way.

"Where does everything else end and the music box begin?"

Moon did not answer Sun's question, and instead attempted to utilize the music box to observe what was happening. They didn't know how it looked when it worked, but at least they'd get an idea as for what of the many pieces and wires were involved in the music box. The pieces moved and a dull clacking noise resounded, rather than the desired chimes.

It hurt Moon's metaphorical heart to hear, but they weren't expecting anything better. It had been like that all day, but now that they were closed, they could finally do something about it. They tried a few different tunes and notes, watching their inner workings as it went.

They then proceeded to cut off power to the music box. It was technically an ability they had for the purpose of power conservation rather than working on them while they're still on, but they didn't really care. It did the trick - they and Sun had been doing maintenance on themselves for a long while. Though, it was easier when it was more of an extremity, because at least they could see what they were doing better.

Abruptly, the arcade machine began to power on. Instead of pulling up the opening menu, however, white words began to generate on the black screen, starting from the top left. The dialog reminded them of their internal system warnings and notifications.

[ Security risk detected. ]

[ Unapproved tampering with Fazbear Entertainment property is against company policy. ]

[ Please contact maintenance personnel. ]

"What the Faz?" Moon said, taking a step back from the game and looking at it suspiciously. What in the world was going on? The arcade machine wasn't even supposed to be on. "Sun?"

"I don't know." That didn't bring Moon any comfort. The arcade machine text disappeared much like someone was hitting backspace on a keyboard, deleting from most recent to oldest.

[ Please prepare an incident report for the on-duty manager. ]

[ Please submit a maintenance request to Parts & Service. ]

"I am not going to listen to a stupid little screen." Moon's insulting words did not stop the arcade machine from continuing its requests. Technically, every thing the screen was saying was dictated by protocol, but Sun and Moon had figured out how to override that.

[ Please set status to ' out of action' ]

[ Please remain still. ]

"Moon, do you think they put a surveillance system in there..?" Sun wasn't speaking aloud, but Moon could feel the anxiety emanating from him. Even as cruel as they were sometimes, they wouldn't let Sun panic like that, and not just to make sure he didn't damage his rays. They cared, in their own way.

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