Oh, Snap

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Synopsis: I like to make Sun suffer for no particular reason (It's totally not because I feel bad or am experiencing existential dread).

Word count: 1500 or smth

Sun knew that regular maintenance was necessary. He already got the bare minimum amount of maintenance - granted, so did everything that Fazbear Entertainment owned - and he wouldn't have it any other way. It was the only way to ensure things were up to standard and that no problems were present, and it was wholeheartedly something that Sun wouldn't go without! Especially not after the last time maintenance was carried out improperly...

The memory of those events didn't help Sun's nerves. Despite their certain approval of ensuring all was well and full understanding of how vital maintenance checks were, the Daycare Attendants - yes, both of them, but Sun more so than Moon - dreaded the coming of maintenance time. They had to trust someone to go poking around their wires if anything came up odd in the diagnostic, or god forbid they get shut off to do some update! The anxiety was unreasonable, Sun knew, as regular maintenance had never posed a problem before.

Unscheduled work done by a security guard? That was an issue in the past, but surely now that it happened once, more caution would be put forward to avoid it.

Sun fidgeted with the plastic sun rays that were attached to the back of his head, tugging on them as an anxious habit he had long since picked up. He knew the maintenance workers would notice that the rays were messed with, they always did. Maybe the cheap plastic was bent and needed to be replaced because of his tugging, and even such a little thing was an expense that Fazbear Entertainment wouldn't want to pay. Maybe the cost of the cheap plastic rays would make them skimp out elsewhere which would cause problems... and it would be all Sun's fault!

They fidgeted with the rays some more, their grip now tenser. The anxiety they were getting from the thought of causing problems because of tugging on their rays was only making them fiddle with the rays more, in a vicious cycle. The longer they were left to think, the worse their worries got, as they made more and more scenarios in their mind. What if there were no replacement rays left and one of the rays flew off when they spun because they needed to be replaced!? What if -


Sun's hand jolted to the right and his head to the left as the plastic snapped, releasing all the energy that had built up from him tugging and messing with the ray. It was jarring - he only knew it was broken because he could see the plastic shard in his hand. He didn't feel a thing - at least not in the ray itself. Cheap plastic, no touch sensors or fancy mechanical things. He took a moment to be grateful for that - otherwise that would have been quite painful. It didn't take long, however, for him to actually comprehend the situation.

"Wait - oh - oh dear...!" Sun said, words coming out at an even higher pitch than usual. They didn't just bend the ray this time, they'd gone and snapped it right in half! Oh, the staff was going to be furious! They hadn't meant to, they were just... doing something they'd been scolded about ten thousand times over. This time the staff would really have to step in and interfere! Sun really, really didn't want to think about what the consequences of this would be, especially with their maintenance appointment being only half an hour away - if the workers didn't show up early to do their check up.

As life would have it, though, he did think about what could happen. Who knows, maybe they'd add something to his code that prevented him from tugging on his frills!.. That wasn't too bad, actually, but Sun knew that the people working for Fazbear Entertainment weren't going to go through all that work. They'd find a simple quick fix... and boy did Sun know that those quick fixes often caused more problems than they solved.

"Oh no no no no.... No no no..." Sun muttered frantically to themself, gripping the torn off frill piece in their hands. If they were able to breath, they would probably be hyperventilating. The staff were not going to be happy about this - if they were worried about needing to replace a ray before, they were certainly terrified about it now. This was a definite need to replace, not just 'should probably replace'!

And it was all Sun's fault.

He knew he shouldn't, but the frill piece was already broken, it wasn't like there was going to be any fixing. He began to pace around the daycare - which was utterly spotless, otherwise he would've been cleaning instead of tugging on his frills - fidgeting with the broken plastic in his hands.

Time was counting down on their internal clock, time to when the maintenance crew would arrive. Ever since the issue with the animatronics getting infected with a virus, there were always at least two people on maintenance work, and it was always rotating on who looked at what animatronic... it certainly didn't ease Sun's nerves that they had no idea which employees it would be. Some of the employees were nicer than others. Some of them were more qualified than others - leave it to Fazbear Entertainment to hire with wages that would make it so most of their hiring pool was barely even qualified for the job.

Exactly on time, the maintenance workers walked in. The first was Mark, which brought ease to Sun.

Mark Rey, male: he/him, 25 years old. Birthday: January 12th. Pleasant individual who genuinely enjoys his job. Has a tendency to ramble, but will usually explain what he's doing when he's doing it.

Mark was by far Sun's favourite maintenance worker. He was overqualified, if anything, and he still had that bright-eyed and bushy-tailed disposition, despite having been working for the company for over two years. He was truly a one in a million fellow, and even better he was actually nice to the robots. He wasn't just formal or respectful, he was nice, as though he actually enjoyed their company. He made Sun feel appreciated, and Sun could only assume the other animatronics felt the same.

And then there was James.

James Forest, demiboy: he/they, 24 years old. Birthday: March 5th. Unenthusiastic but gets the job done. Usually rather grumpy, and often found with a cup of coffee in hand.

James was much less interested in actually working in robotics and he was just here to get paid. On their own, he hardly knew a thing about technology, and they served more as an assistant than actual mechanic. He also tended to be quite grumpy, though they got along surprisingly well with Mark. Well, at least he was going to be with Mark today; it would probably be Sun's best chance to catch them in a good mood.

"What happened to your ray!?" Mark exclaimed. It didn't take long for him to notice that it broke... well, he was bound to find out sooner rather than later. Sun held out the ray shard in his hands out to Mark.

"It broke..." Sun said quietly, not currently willing to elaborate further than that. Hopefully they wouldn't ask for more details... but they probably would. It was their job.

"The [redacted] do you mean 'it broke'!?" James asked, crossing his arms and glaring at Sun. Their intact sun rays sank further inwards than they already were.

"No profanity in the daycare! And, well, I was messing with it and it, uhm, snapped," Sun felt like a child being scolded, especially after hearing Mark sigh in a way that he knew indicated disappointment.

"Well, come on, Sun. Let's get you to Parts and Service, since you clearly do actually need work done," Mark reached out for Sun's hand, to which James seemed to grow more irritable for some reason or another. Under most circumstances, Sun was not allowed to leave the daycare. The exception? An employee-approved appointment for visiting Parts and Service. They mentally created the appointment in their logs, confirming it with the audio recording of Mark so their systems didn't freak out when they tried to leave.


"Bad news. We don't have a spare ray. We need to put in a request with management, then they need to approve it, then we need to place the order, and that's a whole process that'll probably take at least a week. More if management doesn't want to replace it because it's 'cosmetic'. Good news, your diagnostic came back fine other than that, and you don't need the ray to function. I'm going to need to remove the rest of the broken ray, but you'll be good to go after that," Mark explained. James handed him the necessary tools to detach the broken frill.

"Okay," Sun said, staying perfectly still. Mark began to carefully remove the frill, making sure he didn't mess with anything else.

"Hey Sun?" James said, gathering Sun's attention. The animatronic didn't move to look at him, but was paying attention.


"Stop [redacted]ing breaking your frills."

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