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Synopsis: Child Y/N cannot sleep, Mx. Moon sings to them to help.

Word count: 908

Request by: --C0L0URZ--

A/N: I love when things make my brain brr so I finish them in less than 24 hours :3


Naptime was Moon's favourite time of the day. They got to watch over the children, and while it could be quite troublesome with certain kids, that made the result so much sweeter. They looked across the children in their little nap time beds, with the blankets either red or blue and adorned in star patterns. One. Two. Three...

When Moon reached the seventeenth child - there were supposed to be twenty-six in the daycare at the moment - they noticed that they were still awake. They weren't causing trouble, but they were rolling about and attempting to get cozy and rest, clearly to no avail. That was no good, and so of course they had to do something about it. They carefully walked over to the child, the jingling of the bells on their wrists letting the kid know they were approaching, as well as the clicking of their gears.

"Hello there, little star... Are you having trouble getting comfortable?" Moon's deep yet soft voice slid effortlessly from their voice box, quiet so that the other children wouldn't be disturbed. Their eyes glowed a deep scarlet in the dark, which was rather unfortunate seeing that it often scared children.

Y/N opened their eyes and looked up at them, arms wrapped around their pillow. They were frustrated; they were tired, but couldn't for the life of them fall asleep!

"It's not working..!" They complained, sitting up and looking up at the naptime attendant with a frown upon their lips. It was aggravating to no end. They didn't want to cause problems for Moon, they just couldn't sleep! Moon knelt so they were closer to eye level with the little child.

"That's okay. Are you not comfortable? Or, is there something you usually have when you go to sleep at home that you don't have here?" Moon asked. They had learned that the best thing you can do for a sleepless child is to ask how to help. Even if they don't know, it would make the child at least feel like they're heard.

"I just can't sleep. My body won't let me sleep!" Y/N grumbled in irritation. Moon shook their head at the outburst, quickly looking around to ensure the other children weren't disturbed before refocusing on the child.

"May I pick you up, little star?" Moon asked, reaching a hand out to the child. Y/N hugged their arm and leaned against it with a nod, enjoying the feel of the soft fuzz that coated it. There was also a layer of soft foam underneath, just to make sure the hard metal exoskeleton didn't accidentally hurt a child. Moon took Y/N's actions as a yes, and gently scooped them up into their arms, wrapping the blanket around them. "Do you think some music would help, little one?"

"I like music..." Y/N answered, looking up at Moon excitedly. They shifted and got cozy, leaning against the animatronic's chest and taking in the scent of lavender that came off of them. "You smell like flowers..."

Moon replied with a look, a simple, sweet smile that conveyed raw emotions that words could not. The gentle smile portrayed a thousand feelings. Gratitude, appreciation, assurance, genuine care, along with so much more that could simply not be put into words. A sweet lullaby began to come from a music box concealed inside their chest, currently to the tune of 'twinkle twinkle little star'. As their voice box was separate, they were also able to sing, and so, of course, they did.

"Twinkle twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are,

Up above the world so high,

Like a diamond in the sky,

Twinkle twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are."

As they sang, they gently rocked Y/N from side to side, slowly walking through the daycare, once more doing a count of the children. Everyone was accounted for.

"When the blazing sun is gone,

When he nothing shines upon,

Then you show your little light,

Twinkle twinkle, all the night,

Twinkle twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are."

They continued, however, pacing in circles around the daycare. Like the protector they were, they did not take their eyes off of those they were tasked to protect.

"Then the traveler in the dark,

Thanks you for your tiny spark,

He could not see which way to go,

If you did not twinkle so,

Twinkle twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are."

Their gaze drifted down to Y/N again, and they gently brushed their hair out of their face, taking one look at their sleepy eyes and knowing that it wouldn't be long before they were fast asleep.

"In the dark blue sky you keep,

And often throw my curtains peep,

For you never shut your eye,

Till the sun is in the sky,

Twinkle twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are."

Y/N's eyes shut and they snuggled even closer to Moon, if it was possible, which only made the nighttime attendant even happier than they already were.

"As your bright and tiny spark,

Lights the traveler in the dark,

Though I know not what you are,

Twinkle twinkle, little star,

Twinkle twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are."

Even when the child was fast asleep, Moon did not lay them back in bed. Instead, they continued to carry the small child, until nap time came to an end.

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