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Synopsis: Short and sweet angst with our friendly neighborhood Eclipse.

Word count: 500

Oh no no no, Eclipse thought to themself. Their internal clock was telling them that it was time for the daycare to open, but it was still too much of a mess!

"Safety concerns, safety concerns everywhere..." Eclipse said, shaking their head to themself in disapproval. They'd have to let the employees know to not open the daycare! Then again, the employees should have been there half an hour ago... surely they were just a little late. Maybe things were being held up by technical issues. Such things had happened before, after all!

They had to keep cleaning up! It was very important to make sure the kids had a safe area to play in. Plus, the daycare wouldn't open without an employee inspection first, so there was no reason to stop cleaning. Oh, the debris everywhere was bothering Eclipse so!

As hours drew on by, Eclipse started to wonder why the employees hadn't come to inspect the daycare yet. Was today a holiday they hadn't been informed of? Maybe the pizzaplex was closed, undergoing some renovations... yes, that would certainly explain it! Eclipse continued to organize and clean up the daycare, feeling a little better now that they knew no children would be coming today. It was mildly upsetting as well, of course; Eclipse loved their job! They loved interacting with children, keeping them entertained, playing games with them, taking care of them, and all the interesting - and sometimes terrifying - things that came with it. The daycare was in no condition for that, though, and Eclipse's number one priority was to ensure the safety of children under their care.

Eclipse continued to clean the daycare for three days straight, taking breaks every six hours to charge in their room. Their battery could last one to two hours longer, but they preferred to not risk it. By the time the daycare was clean, up to their standards, they'd put in a good 50+ hours of work into it.

They clapped happily when they examined the daycare and found that it was in an acceptable state. All this hard work... but it would be worth it to have little kids running around again! Surely someone would come tomorrow to inspect the daycare - they'd definitely notice how shiny and spotless it was now!

They told themself every day that the next would be when the employees finally showed up. Days turned into weeks. Weeks turned into months.

Eclipse sat alone in the corner, balled up with their arms around their legs. Not a soul to talk to in far too long. Why weren't the children coming back? Why did the employees never show up?


Did Eclipse do something wrong?


Of course, they'd never know why they were all alone, or what happened. As they sat there in that corner, slowly but surely, their battery began to drain. Why would they go charge, though? Nobody was there. When the employees came, they would wake Eclipse up, surely they would!



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