Appreciation of Art

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Synopsis: Sun and Moon get drawings from little kids. Wholesomeness ensues.

Word count: 924

Requester: tanuki_official


It was playtime, and Sundrop had gotten most of the children to work on arts and crafts for the time being. There were little origami frogs at one craft table, puppets at another, painting, drawing... Sun did all the complicated or dangerous parts, of course, and made sure all the kids had an apron in case of a mess.

"Now, now, kiddo, you've gotta remember to be careful. These are safety scissors, yes, but you really shouldn't be messing around with them like that, okay? Ask me for help when you need something please," Sun said to one of the children, who was making a birthday card for a friend of theirs and had somehow gotten a hold of scissors. How did children always get into things they weren't supposed to? Sun wasn't sure, but he and Moon had a few theories. Maybe they secretly had an internal sensor that detected danger and drew them towards it.

As they were putting the scissors away on a shelf out of reach from the kids, they felt another child trying to get their attention by lightly pulling at their skirt.

"Mister Sunnyman?" A young boy asked, and it wasn't hard for Sun to recognize that voice. Jason, a regular at the superstar daycare, was quite fond of robots... which was very helpful to keep his attention, considering Sun and Moon were, in fact, robots. Sun looked down at him and gave him a pat on the head.

"Yes, little nebula?" Sun asked, plopping down onto the floor in front of Jason and taking up a cross-legged sitting position in a single swift motion. The little boy was holding two pieces of paper, and Sun knew he'd been drawing only a few moments earlier... but he had refused to allow Sun to see.

"I made a drawing for you and Moon..." Jason said quietly, hesitation seeping into his voice. He then held out the drawings to Sun, looking away. "Do you think they'll like it..?"

The drawings were childish scribbles that vaguely resembled some sort of depiction of Sun and Moon, Sun on one page, Moon on the other. The easiest way to discern which was which were the colours, of course, the drawings were made in vibrant crayon. Even if it wasn't exactly a great drawing, Sun was simply ecstatic! This child could have done whatever he wanted, and he chose to make something for them! He took the time of day to show Sun and Moon how much he appreciated them, and that was the best feeling in the world.

"Oh my gosh! These are some of the best drawings I have ever seen! Could you tell me more about them? I'm sure Moon is gonna love it when they see theirs!" Sun said, standing up and doing a happy twirl before scooping Jason up into his arms.

"It's you and Moon but as transformers!" With the reassurance from Sun, all the nervousness vanished, and Jason was probably going to go on a whole tangent. Sun was okay with that, though. "This right here is you in your car disguise, and that's Moon in their car disguise, and..."


"Little star, why are you out of bed..?" Moon asked, looking down at Jason with a slight tilt of their head. They knew Jason had quite a bit of trouble falling asleep, but they weren't expecting him to leave bed so soon. Usually, they had a few more minutes.

"I made you something." The little boy replied, holding out the drawing they made for Moon. Sun had received his own earlier, but Jason insisted on giving the drawing to Moon himself, rather than having Sun give it to Moon for him. Moon took the piece of paper delicately in one of their hands, crimson eyes scanning over it before they gave a soft chuckle.

"Thank you, little star. I love it, and it's very sweet of you... but it's nap time, I need to make sure everyone is settled in. Could you please go lay in bed while I get the others tucked in? Then I'll come to check on you," Moon gave Jason a pat on the head, ruffling his hair slightly.


"Hmm... a little to the left... no, that's covering up Bug's... a little higher? Yes, perfect~!" Sun chimed to themself as they pinned one of the drawings to a corkboard hung up in Moon and their room. Once the task was finished, they clapped happily and bounced up and down, much like an overexcited child.

"I think we need another board," Moon noted, staring at the one they had. It was completely covered in little children's drawings, and off to the right were shelves full of crafts that children made for them. The displays were a friendly reminder of why Moon and Sun did what they did; to bring joy into the lives of little kids. In turn, it seemed, the kids brought them joy.

"Hmm, maybe we do. After all, it wouldn't be right to cover up any of these beautiful works of art!" Sun sat down and admired the gifts. There wasn't a day that went by without him taking a moment to appreciate them, and he still remembered the story behind every single one. They were important memories, up there in Sun's list of favourites, alongside when he first met Moon.

"I'm going on patrol now. And I think I'll bring this as a good luck charm..." Moon said, folding their own drawing up neatly and putting it in their hat.

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