I went to the bathroom and went inside one of the toilet doors , i locked the door behind me, i closed the toilet cover and sat on it with my knees up, i put my hands on my knees and rested my head on my hands, i let out the cry i had kept held inside, i coverd my mouth to make sure no one hears me cry, i can feel my throat burn, i gasp i as i try to pass some breathes through my sobs, i try to pull my legs up on the toilet cover more so nobody would know that I'm inside, I'm not just crying because i just discovered that my crush is gay, I'm crying because i already knew but chose not to believe it, i tried to deny that fact, and I'm also a bad friend, i had a crush on my best friend and denied who he truly was, i didn't respect that.
When i was done crying, i didn't want to go back to my classes, i was scared to see one of the triplets or Janessa, i already missed it anyway, it was way past lunch , so i have no intentions of going back.
I stayed there the rest of the day until the bell rang, i took my bag and looked out of the bathroom door to check if any of my friends is outside, when i made sure they weren't there, i run out of the bathroom, when i get out of the school building, i hop on my motorcycle, when i was just starting to move the engine i heard a voice calling from afar"Abby!!" I look back at where the voice came, it was Chris, he was running towards me and when we finally were in front of each other, he says out of breath
"Abby! W_where were you the whole d_day?! I was looking fo_for you everywhere!"
I look at him from the motorcycle worried at how he's out of breath , i say and do nothing but pat on his back as he tries to let out words instead of rapid gasps
"and, and where were you going now? Didn't we Agree on hanging out today?"
Oh god, i forgot , i don't feel like going anywhere, should i reject now? But i already agreed yesterday, ugh whatever!
"I wasn't going anywhere, i was waiting for you here cuz i know matt isn't coming so you have no car to go with" i said as i freed a space for him to sit "hop on"
he smirked then he got on behind me
"hold on tight" i said as i started the engine, he hesitated befor he wrapped his hands around my waist, then i moved the motorcycle.
Matt's pov:
Earlier this morning before classes startAs i was standing in front of the school building waiting for chris and Janessa , i heard a motorcycle engine sound, i looked as the motorcycle engine sound came closer knowing it's abby, then she stopped in the street in front of the school building, as she was taking her helmet off, her short hair fell off the helmet touching the edge of her shoulders , she got off the motorcycle while putting her hand on her skirt to make sure it was down, i made eye contact with her then she smiled and waved at me, i felt a strange feeling in My stomach, i was making eye contact with her without moving an inch, i hesitated before i could wave back, she broke eye contact as she focused all her attention to getting in the school building
after a minute i felt that i can't take it anymore, i HAVE to get in after her,
i texted chris telling him that I won't be waiting anymore, as soon as i walked in, i saw her standing with nick, we made eye contact again as i was walked to her
"hi" was what i said
"hii!" She replies
" what're you guys talking about?" I ask, wanting to talk to her
"nothing much, just a little chit chat" that was her reply, i had a disappointed look on my face, but fortunately chris and Janessa came back before she could notice, we all chatted for a little bit, and it turns out she and nick have same class, ah fuck.
Later at history class
I got to class, i was at my desk chair looking at my phone until i heard someone getting in, i looked up hoping it was abby, and it was, i waved at her when our eyes met, she waved back as she was getting in to sit by me
"you have history too?" She asks
"yeah" i replied, she looks annoyed and pissed " are you okay though? You look annoyed" i ask concerned
"yeah I'm ok, i just hate history so much" she replied looking pissed but still chuckling, i like that.
class went on as we chatted alot like always, we were at the hallway when class ended , she hadn't said a word and she looks like she's thinking about something
"Abby" ...
"Abby?" ...
"Hey,abby" ...
"Yo,abby!" ...
"ABBY!!" i shout after i called her four times not getting a reply , she jolts and looks shocked
"ah fuck! I've been calling for ages! What were you even thinking about that you didn't even hear i was calling?!"
I say not noticing how aggressive i was" oh, I'm so so sorry!, i didn't hear you, i was spacing out, I'm sorry matty" she apologies, she seemed genuinely sorry
"oh, it's okay i got a little aggressive" i say "let's go to the cafeteria, I'm hungry"
"me tooo, i haven't eaten all day" she says like a little baby,
when we reach the cafeteria i saw jade, Nick's boyfriend , i haven't seen him since so long because he was out of town, nick looks excited to finally see him, he's also our friend of two years and Janessa's brother ,
as me and abby walk to them i look at her waiting to tell her who is that, and when nick told her who he was, her face became pale , and it looked like she forced a smile, don't think anyone else noticed that though, she lies about that she ate, i was about to ask her what's wrong but she ran away before i could even have a chance to, I'm worried.
Matt is worried about abby :( :( :(I hope you guys liked this chapter, love y'all <3<3<3

𝘊𝘢𝘯 𝘪 𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮 𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬?_sturniolo triplets
Romancewhat happens when you fall in love with someone you can't be with, and be in a love triangle of two boys you don't like back, in a rollercoaster, will your feelings change, who will you choose?