An angel arose in the world of gray.
Full of joy and games to play.
She was a bright morning star for the world to see.
But the humans envied her, unfortunately.
To make her equal, her spark they tried to dull.
The fact that she was weak echoed in her skull.
An angel now fallen in the world of gray.
To cause her to bleed was not okay.
The humans disliked how she captured all eyes.
Who knew her beauty could be her demise?
She was as graceful and fragile as a dove.
But soon she was a helpless victim to love.
An angel now gone from the world of gray.
Humans' jealousy and hunger scared her away.
The girl, her family had tried to sell.
And that scenario would not have ended well.
They now considered her dead or long gone.
To face such abuse, what had she done wrong?
An angel long forgotten, her heart tinted black.
Compassion and trust she now lacked.
She refused to love others, they'd never stick around.
Losing her happiness, to hell she was bound.
Now her beauty was nothing but a myth.
The demon became a force to be reckoned with.