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'' I hate travelling by train, it's so boring'',Rose complained as we made our way to an empty compartment

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'' I hate travelling by train, it's so boring'',Rose complained as we made our way to an empty compartment.
I didn't mind hearing Rose complain, it was actually something of a ritual for her.
''Did I tell you about the girl I met on holiday'',Liam asked as we settled into our seats.
''No you didn't'',he did, I just didn't want to tell him, he seemed so happy to tell us everything about this girl.
''Well, she's gorgeous and so funny'', Liam went on, but I wasn't paying attention, I was thinking about him again, was he on the train yet, I wondered, and just then I saw him, he was walking past our compartment with his friends Draco Malfoy, Enzo Berkshire, Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini and Theo Nott.
Everyone at Hogwarts knew them. I always wondered how did it feel to be like Pansy, she was always with them, she was always laughing with them, talking to them, I always wondered how did it feel to be popular, I always felt so jealous of her, she was so perfect, but, most of all she was so close to Mattheo, and I hated myself to feel this jealous of her but I couldn't help it, she seemed to have this perfect life, perfect friends, she party all the time and still managed to have good grades.
Sometimes I like to imagine that I'm a part of that friend group and I'm as close as she is with Mattheo, but obviously those thoughts are just me being delusional because in reality I just admired him from afar, hoping that maybe, just maybe, one day he would notice me.
''Are you listening to me'',Liam asked, bringing me back to reality.
''No, I'm sorry, I was just thinking about something'' , I apologised.
''Something or someone come on we all know you were dreaming about your lover boy'' ,said Rose, I knew she was joking but the fact that she knew that I was thinking about him made me wonder if it was that obvious that I liked him
''I don't even know who you're talking about I don't have any ''lover boy'' '' ,deny deny deny
''Suuuure we all believe you Mia'' ,I hate when Rose is right.
Rose and I have been friends since first year which is kind of weird because we're opposites, she's an extrovert she's confident and tough wich is why people wonder how did she ended up at Hufflepuff but I think that it's her loyalty and her big heart that make her the perfect hufflepuff, I trust her with my life, she and Liam have never let me down.
Talking about Liam he is the heart of the group, he is the perfect mix between me and Rose, he is also the funny one, if I'm having a bad day I know I can count on him to make me laugh, I always feel good around him, these two are my people and I love them so much.

I knew I still had a few hours before I arrived at Hogwarts. So I just put my headphones on and started listening to the Smiths.
The song just reminded me of the first time I saw Mattheo, it was just before I got on the train on my first year at Hogwarts , I was scared, everyone seemed so calm like they knew how to act and I didn't, I was that lost kid who just discovered that magic does exist and I was a witch who is going to study in a school for wizard, i was feeling everything but normal and I was terrified but when I saw him laughing and the way his eyes sparkled, I just felt safer like I belonged in here, and, just like that he made me feel so much better, and without knowing it he made me fall in love with him.
But even during those 4 years at Hogwarts I never had the courage to talk to him, he was this gorgeous, smart and confident boy while I was this ordinary girl, I'm not saying I'm boring I'm juste saying that I'm not pretty enough to actually be noticed by any guy, I'm not smart enough to be at the top of my classes, I'm not funny enough to make people laugh at my jokes, I was awkward and I was especially not enough, not for Mattheo, not for anyone. But that was okay because I accepted it a long time ago.

When we finally arrived at Hogwarts, Rose and I went straight to our dorm to put our things away and settle in, and of course the best way to do that is with some music, and Taylor Swift is really good at that.
When we finished I realised it was time for dinner so Rose and I went to the Great Hall where we found Liam already eating, he hadn't even waited for us.
"You're such a traitor Liam," Rose said as we sat down, me in front of Liam so I could admire the Slytherin table and Rose next to Liam.
"Wait before you kill me, I have some gossip"
I could see Rose's face light up when Liam said that.
Even though we're Hufflepuff we love to gossip and at Hogwarts there's a lot to gossip about, I remember when Hermione told me all about Ginny's crush on Harry, we love to gossip about them, we've even thought about what kind of trope they would be and they're definitely "brother's bsf".
"So what is it, come on, tell me"
Rose couldn't wait to hear this "gossip" and to be honest, neither could I.
"Ok, so it's about Luna. Last year she and Blaise Zabini were secretly together."
Me and Rose looked at each other too stunned to speak, how could we not know about this, Luna is one of our friends, and just when we thought that was all, Liam went on.
"I'm not done yet, you know Neville well, he likes Luna, so he and Blaise want the same girl."
It was crazy, Luna was such a lucky girl, she had two boys at her feet and they were both incredible, Blaise was charismatic and really hot but Neville was sweet and caring, they are both good guys.

As Liam and Rose continued to gossip I couldn't help but look at Mattheo, there he was laughing and eating with his friends, I sometimes like to imagine what my life would have been like if I had been friends with him or dated him but honestly I'm just glad I can be around him even if he doesn't know I exist.
Just as I was about to look away, his perfect brown eyes met mine, oh my God, he's seen me looking at him, I'm so done, this is so embarrassing, I want to die.
On the side of my eyes I could see him smirking, and I hated the way he looked so good doing it, I hated the way he knew the effect he had on me, but I really hated the way I could never hate him.
Hi guys so this the first chapter tell me what you think about it I really hope you like the vibe because I really wanted to do something different because. it was always the same thing (enemies to lovers) and I love the trope (Black cat X Golden retriever) and I love Mia she is sooo cute so this is it don't forget to comment.
Xoxo me

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